Active Member
I live in Fresno.... apparently they busted the guys at the budz 4 life dispensary just hours after i was there.
The more investigating around town that I do on my own, the more something is becoming clear, the State asked the Fed to to this.
now thats crazy!!!I live in Fresno.... apparently they busted the guys at the budz 4 life dispensary just hours after i was there.
this is gettin crazy! im an hr away from ukiah,just heard about the bust by feds there yesterday from a friend.
The agents arrived at 6 a.m., handcuffed Cohen and his wife and stayed until about 2 p.m., taking 99 marijuana plants, computers and testing equipment, according to Cohen. He said the agents threatened to file federal charges against him, but made no arrests during the raid.
"If we're not legal, nobody's legal," Cohen said, echoing the words of Mendocino County 2nd District Supervisor John McCowen.
McCowen appeared last month in Sonoma County Superior Court to testify on behalf of two Northstone employees arrested earlier this year while reportedly driving marijuana to cooperative members outside Mendocino County.
Cohen said he didn't know if the raid had anything to do with the ongoing court case, which is still in the preliminary hearing phase.
Cohen noted the "insane irony" of the situation, adding, "We actually are a legitimate not-for-profit corporation ... we worked with the county to get where we are, and there are illegal growers all around us. We fell under what the U.S. Justice Department said was the threshold for prosecution (1,000 plants)."
The cooperative grows the plants it distributes to members, rather than getting the plants from area growers, according to Cohen -- one of the only, if not the only cooperative in the state to do so "like is intended in the spirit of the law."
Northstone was also operating under the state Attorney General's guidelines for cooperatives, he said, and had the county sheriff in three times a year to inspect for compliance.
What does the Thursday raid at Northstone tell local growers, then?
"Go back underground, I guess; make our community a less safe place to be," Cohen said.
Crazy times indeed.
Here is the story on the Northstone raid:
(not sure if that link will continue to work)
Here's the gist of the article:
just 10%.........bawahahahaha.
The more investigating around town that I do on my own, the more something is becoming clear, the State asked the Fed to to this.
I not bullshiting, despite moratoriums and crackdowns, the State can no longer control the growth (ha-ha) of the Medicinal industry, specifically dispensaries.
Here in Sacramento they passed a moratorium on opening new clubs a couple of years ago, despite that, dozens of clubs have opened their doors since then.
Sacramento simply had no other way to enforce their own codes, so the Feds were asked to come in, or at least look like they were going to.
Because despite not fearing the local authorities powers, everybody still fears the Federal "put you in ass rape prison" Government.
So to simplify, what we're seeing play out is this:
Mother - Clean your room
Child - I'm not going to clean my room
Mother - Clean your room
Child - No
Mother - Clean your room or else
Child - No
Mother - Okay, but just wait till your Father gets home
Child - I'm going to clean my room now
And if the child had cleaned the room when the mother asked the first time..Dad would have never been mentioned....
The average non profit worker makes an average of 50k a year ....
This has nothing to do with the small time growers ...or those who seek to make an honest living.
If you read the compasion act , than you will understand why this is happening.
The profiteers are taking advantage of the law and may ruin it for us all....
I can pretty much guarantee that some "dispensaries", the dispensaries that have corrupted medical marijuana badly with contaminated meds, keifed meds, profiteering, and illegal diversion to recreational users, are pulling 5k down on a slow day. Some places see hundreds of "patients" in one day, some places see hundreds of "patients" everyday!
Where is the money going? The money is going to the pofiteers and the corrupt attorneys who work with corrupt politicians and corrupt law enforcement to keep corrupt dispensaries open -- the same people who close down legitimate keep the corrupt dispensaries open!
There only reasons obama has to act are; profiteering despite the ag's guidelines, continued *open* and illegal diversion to recreational users, and continued corrupt government who have an agenda to depopulate the planet to their benefit and sadistic satisfaction. The pharmaceutical companies are simply a branch of their insidious plan to depopulate the planet. It's kind of like the protesters protesting Wall Street, they need to protest the White House and the federal reserve, not Wall Street. We need to protest the false statement about marijuana in the CUA and we need to assert the DQA to get Prop 215 and hemp bills enforced.
On the bright side, the profiteers and corrupt government left and are leaving a long trail of corruption that will reveal how clearly medical marijuana has been infiltrated and subverted for profit. This nightmare is just about over!
And if the child had cleaned the room when the mother asked the first time..Dad would have never been mentioned....