43% say trump should be impeached

Not to mention would y'all really prefer Pence to Trump? I think he would be much worse personally.
Not to mention would y'all really prefer Pence to Trump? I think he would be much worse personally.
Nobody could be worse. Well, maybe Hitler
Pence (I feel like puking) would be better, and as a matter of fact, any of those other imbeciles that were on the GOP ticket look good now (I just puked). I even miss Bush, and that is extremely fucking sad
Nobody could be worse. Well, maybe Hitler
Pence (I feel like puking) would be better, and as a matter of fact, any of those other imbeciles that were on the GOP ticket look good now (I just puked). I even miss Bush, and that is extremely fucking sad
I thought Rand Paul was the best Republican candidate personally which is why I don't really trust Trump. Seems like he is just a puppet of the Republican party they can go against him all they want and they don't look bad meanwhile Trump does what he is told just like Obama sent more troops to Afghanistan not long ago Trump is doing the same.

president of the white supremacist cucks maybe.
Not to mention would y'all really prefer Pence to Trump? I think he would be much worse personally.

That's a tough call. It's pretty hard to be worse than Trump. In many ways Pence would be better. I certainly trust him more with the nuclear codes. BUT, he's a religious nut job. He's also more competent than Trump, and would stand a much better shot at being re-elected, so in that sense he worries me more. Best case scenario imo is Trump stays in office, mired in this Russia scandal for four years, gets nothing done, and gets swept out of office by the Dem candidate (and Dems have control of both the senate and the house by that time).