43 Days flowering whats wrong with my momma? Pics! Burmese Strain!


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, my largest plant is not doing so well, in fact the main cola on this girl is smaller than 1 of them on a smaller plant, i will post pics of her after this post. Whats wrong with her?

I thought it was nute burn at first a week or 2 ago when she was starting to look bad, but i flushed with PH balanced water and she got worse! So it must be a defieciency of some sort, what kind tho? I have not hardly been adding any nutes just some 1/4 stregnth when i do. Any suggestions?



Well-Known Member
its the sticky, in this section, from what it looks like to me, it would be a very advanced deficiency? looks to me like phosphorous?, i have no advice on how to raise it up , look around the site or google that shit homie! anyway they look good otherwise bro, GL with the grow, i like the burmese strains they are sexpups
I have looked at that awesome sticky, but alot of the defienciencys look so similar its hard to seperate which one it is.

Here is an upclose pic of the leaves, if this is P Deficiency then i have some Fox Farms Beastie Bloom that is 0-50-30 that should do it right?
I dont even use full doses cuz i just started using this stuff...like 1/4 to 1/2 strength.

