4271 in play.

Some of us think this stuff is more entertaining than flame wars. If only we had a life...

After all, we could be RED WINGS FANS!!!
shitz complicated no doubt, everyone's indiv motive is inplay really. I don't see a great overall answer.. back after much medication... much change will ocurr, that much I know for certain. lol

Change will happen with or without your contribution abe. You are an intelligent and articulate guy when you want to be.
Ya know, oral testimony is not the only way to submit. Written comments can be sent to both the committee members and to the committee clerk. Those remarks will be included in the record and considered seriously, as long as serious contributions are sent.
I've written my reps more than once in favor of the HB. Got responses that didn't seem 100% automatic, but no personal feel either. meh, I did my part.
If anything at least the movement still has traction. With the recent supreme court ruling you might even say momentum. Either way, opening up the market to allow safe access for patients isn't a bad thing. It would be nice to allow p2p transfers for compensation (aka farmer's market) in an environment where it can be taxed and regulated as well. I feel that would allow for the most competition, and benefit to patient and caregiver alike.

Unfortunately, we are in a position where we will "take what we can get." While this the reality we live in, we walk a close line to losing momentum and losing hope. We must remember - Rome wasn't built in a day. I hope that as the laws continue to change, they change for the better. Not favor who has the deepest pockets.
