420 watt CFL quasar and bagseed, 5 weeks in flowering


Active Member
i think its actually at 426 watts but i just put 420 for kicks :)

topped several times i forgot how many. also did alot of LST with these girls

here are my quasar and bagseed, 5 weeks into flower. i previously had them flowering under 200 watts for the first 4 weeks, but after i got done flowering my bigger girls i put these under the cab w more light :) my twin dynamite plants are under the 200 now...

it's cool to see shwag seed genetics growing next to some decent genetics to me



Well-Known Member
Looks great. Nice job of keeping them short. I need to top and lst more with my bin grows. :D Very nicely done sir.


Active Member
lol it is hard to judge. they pretty much died when they were babies due to a vacation and took a good two weeks to recover to a decent plant. they recovered nicely though.

yes topping and lst seems to be very important. short as possible seems to be the best route with CFL's...thanks for the comments guys ;)


Active Member
i have no clue really when...it was a long time ago...over two months...look at how they used to look lol when they were babies. we went on vacation. i was ready to just throw them out but my g/f wanted to save them so we did


Active Member
thanks man the quasar was about an ounce and a half dry i'm assuming i got alittle more from the bagseed but i didnt weigh it. taste seems to be the main shitty part of the bagseed. looks good, smells good but tastes ok but nothing like the named strains ive grown, and of course the high isnt as strong


Active Member
an assortment of cfls....one big 200 on top, 4 30 wat floro tubes on all sides, two 40 watts hang on to the top and a 40 watt for the lower canopy


Active Member
this is prolly the one photo i show more than any of my photos rofl pretty sure is all in th 2k lum ranfge cept for side tubes sry i'm high as shit right now

