420 tribute.


Well-Known Member
Our 420 "holiday" is over & several of us got stoned like there was no tomorrow. We made lots of memories that we will be talking about for a while. & that's what this thread is about. bongsmilie
Share your crazy memorable story with every1 on rollitup. Post the stupidest thing some1 said while smoking or the funniest shit that happened to you on 420. Or any wild story that is bound to attract comments. Every1 is encouraged to post & share how their 420 went.
My story?
I head home from school & as I opened my room door I noticed it was very dark. My grow lights were off. Fucken power outage man. My lights are supposed to be on from 6am-6pm. My lights were shut off at 9am & they have been off till I got home. The power came back around 3:30pm & I appologizd to my plants all night. kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
Last 420 wasn't funny, but it was memorable. My buddy mike was finalizing his divorce and was expectantly down.
So I invite him over and midway through the session the floodgates open and he breaks down. We're talking and he realizes he doesn't want this, and he feels as though he punked out. So he calls his wife and talks to her for about 40 minutes. Comes back in wiping tears and smiling. His wife doesn't want the divorce either. She just didn't want to be with someone who didn't want her.
They started there reconciliation and now a year later they're back together and anticipating a second child in august. So It wasn't funny, but def. Memorable.


Well-Known Member
awww man this 420 was crazy. it started out with one of my bud brothers pickin me up from work. we go flying down to my house. and when were walking towards my house some lady and this guy get into a car accident. me and boy run up to see if everyone was ok. this girl gets out her mercades and yells "are you fuckin blind?" "you wernt even on the right lane to make that turn u retarded bastard of a motherfucker". we wait till the cops get there, then we go back to my house to get the grill started. then its starts to rain hard body.so we put the grill under an umbrella and start grillin burgers. then we realized we didnt have any bud, so i start hittin every dealer i kno. and none of them were out, i guess mabye cuz of the rain, and they were all smoking. so finally my boy says, hey my brother pushes, why dont we ask him? and im like wtf!? why didnt u say anything earlier?. so we hit him up and i let my boy cop it. he comes back wit a wad of alluminum foil. and im like wtf is this shit? te bud was wrapped in alluminum foil, and not all the way coverd either. i was so pissed. and he was like yea uh, my brother didnt have any more bags. and im like wtf? if you see yourself running low, get some more! so when we got home, i gave my boy sume bags and i was like here! so this will never happen to anybody again. lol we came back we watched smiley face and pineapple express. we had burgers, bbq chicken and steaks for the crub. and we both smoked some pretty good weed, eventhough we both had headaches afterwards. oh and its amazing how weed makes u look at movies. for pineapple express, i saw it how a director sees the movie. like as a set, and not a real house. and i forget what else i thought of, but it was a pretty good 420 if i must say.


Well-Known Member
i just went to parliament hill and smoke with the hundreds of other people that were there it was great