420 rituals or traditions

big ass BBQ witta shit ton of bud. everyone throw a bag in the box, mix it up and everyone take a handful!
smokn 30 diffrent types of weed in one blunt is pretty amazing hahahaha
gotta crank sum tunes, maybe see a few street fights? haha just party it up =]

haha that sounds like my 4th of july minus the 30 different types and throw some beer in there haha
me and a couple friends drove down to the keys from miami and god MESSED UP on some bomb mango kush. 4 blunts on the beach!!
the main park in my city had over 1000 people there to celebrate 420. there was a band on stage, and just tons and tons of people. at 4:20, the whole park was clouded in smoke :D it happens that way every year here. the cops monitor it to make sure that there arent any problems, and we can only smoke inside the park, but yea, it was a really really good time, met a few new people, saw some people i hadnt seen in ages, just a great time.