42 days before I flip to flower! input needed!! pics included


Well-Known Member
Hi all I have a plant growing it's in a dwc bucket (DIY) and a 2ft x 3ft x 4ft ish so far I have topped once 3 days ago,

My question is what would be the best way to fill the space I originally thought topping and lst I want to produce the most I can with just 1 plant!

Like the title says I have 42 days from now till I flip to flower a long time I know but I didn't want a plant in flower over Christmas, if push comes to shove and I have to flip her early I will do!

This is my 2nd run still don't fully understand but I see it as if I don't do it I won't learn! Anyway here's some pics sorry for the hps pics!20151119_164353.jpg20151119_164517.jpg 20151119_164359.jpg


Well-Known Member
I have some pea netting from the hydro shop but the squares are more like rectangles compared to the ones I have seen posted on here! Debating getting some white pvc pipe and making one or just keep it simple and go buy some chicken wire and some strips of wood


Well-Known Member
If you're just wanting a good bush-shape to fill the space, I generally like to top twice, making 4 tops. That lets the lower branches catch up and you get a pretty even plant.

If you wanna scrog, you can buy a huge trellis net on Amazon for like $9 and cut it to fit your space


Well-Known Member
what light are you using ? looks pretty red/orange for vegging ?

Also if that bucket is just a single skin you`ll want to seal all them holes in the lid up as light getting in there will cause you problems

I`d set that thing up so it had 4 to 8 main steams and bush it out till it was half way to 2/3`s of the way to the top and flip it

I`d probably change that dwc bucket out for something a bit bigger as you have room for a bigger tub and I`d put a clip fan up

Also I like to spray with triacontanol to get more side growth and a bigger plant but that's just me

Yeah netting or string is better then chicken wire as you`ll get cut by the chicken wire where as string can`t hurt you or conduct electricity should any accidents happen


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to find that perfect tub that will house two plants I'm thinking a plain black fishing tackle box or are square tubs no good?.

I'm using just a normal 400 hps at the moment till my cfls arrive in the post! I bought some online and have the option to use four separate bulbs max wattage of those bulbs is 100w each and are a cool white colour 6400k or there abouts.

I have something in mind for when it's a little bigger and I can start training her properly!


Well-Known Member
Also I have added some reflective material to the top of the bucket it also blocks out some of the light trying to get to the roots!


Well-Known Member

Yeah 400hps on that little one is a bit much, 200w to 400w of cfl will give you some nice veg not the most efficient light in the world but great for veg maybe even keep 1 of the cfl`s going during flower so you get the UV rays from it ?

Square tubs work well, the only issue with them can be cleaning the corners

Them big black trash cans can make pretty good bubblers I`ve been wanting to make a set up using 90L bins maybe 2 to 6 of them hooked up to 1 as the res but for me and hydro height is always an issue once you go over 20 to 30L you want the thing on a table so you can drain it and stuff easy

but I never normally have over 2m height so I`m not able to give away the space needed to do a big hydro

These days I find myself being lazy and just running coco or fytocell in 40 to 60L sacks, I get anything from 300g to over a kg a plant with them and I`m not so lucky as to be able to be around them all the time anymore so can`t really do hydro rigs like I used to, I can`t begin to imagine the mess that could happen if I left a 100L to 1000L hydro system running and a pipe came out or something, lol

You know what might be good for you mate ? A cooler box ? bet you could find a nice cooler box to make a 2 plant hydro out of, or maybe 2 round coolers ? they`d stay nice and cool and hold out the light better then a single skin bucket.....
Maybe it's just me, but unless it's an auto-flowering or just a particularly fussy strain, I've never felt any urgency to switch to 12/12 other than reaching the finish line. Don't feel forced to flip her early unless you foresee a shortage of space or resources. Other than that, if she vegges an extra couple weeks... just more bud sites!

Btw, do you know the strain?


Well-Known Member
Maybe it's just me, but unless it's an auto-flowering or just a particularly fussy strain, I've never felt any urgency to switch to 12/12 other than reaching the finish line. Don't feel forced to flip her early unless you foresee a shortage of space or resources. Other than that, if she vegges an extra couple weeks... just more bud sites!

Btw, do you know the strain?
The strain is hybrid X It's a NL x NL


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know all that and the difference between a photo and an auto but thanks the 42 day deadline meant that come the 1st January 2016 I'm flipping then being a 8 week strain it will be done for end of March, dried and cured for the 1st April (fishing season) then I'm garunteed a half decent smoke for the first couple of months and if I'm fortunate to sell some ill be able to buy a 3lb tc rod and a new big pit reel lol