40th latitude great lakes?

Hello guys,
Ive had my plants vegging indoors for about two months. doing great!

I live near lake michigan.
the average temp high is about 65 and low is around 44.

Can anybody please give me advice if its to early to transplant outdoors.
And how long should i wait?

Do i need to switch my light cycle to 16/8 so they wont shock to much when transplated outdoors?

help or concerns appreciated!

i have pics of my plants but my computer wont detect my camera so i will try my sd card in another camera..hopefully pics soon


Well-Known Member
Ex Chicagoland area here, I would wait another 10/14 days, you need to acclimate your plants to night temperatures and outdoor daylight, you don’t want to confuse them too much when you put them out, I always put mine out at around midnight and then let the morning sun wake them, this way they are on 18/6, they harden up during the cool nights, and get adjusted to sunrise times, then pull ‘em back for veg during the day and repeat the cycle, works for me J

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
Check with your local garden store and ask them when it's safe to put tomatoes outside in your area. I'm guessing around the 15th or the 20th of May would be a safe bet. I live farther north than you do, and I usually put mine out right around Mother's Day. Never lost a plant to the cold yet.


Well-Known Member
You can do it right now. Those temps will not hurt your plant. This shock that people talk about i have never seen my plant get shocked from a transplant or from moving it outdoors.
my plants are currenty in fox farm ocean forest soil.
Do you guys think i should mix a little cow manure and a little straw in with my soil when i transplant?



Active Member
I live at 42.5 all of mine are out. except 3 I'm more worried about flooding since we have not had much rain yet here i know when we do it will be a lot


Active Member
Yep! Sure am! I wish this state would change its MJ laws but in my opinion it will be one of the lasts ones to make a difference....my girls are just over a month old and put them out 4/25 since we had great weather, but always have put mine out before may 10.
i realized one of my plants was a male so i put it out just to see if it survives
a couple days and if it does, which i think it will then ill put the rest of my plants out and destroy the male.
Its great to know there is another wisc. grower on here!
good luck to both of us. this will be my first outdoor, planning on doing around 50 plants!
+rep wiscompton
