400w Stealth Cabinet AK-48


Well-Known Member
Nothing to really update on, light is still in the same location & fed this evening. still misting twice a day regular water. temps are acuright 81f 32% growbright 74f 43%

If i were to guess which ones were male i would say the one in the center and the top right



Well-Known Member
Nothing to really update on, light is still in the same location & fed this evening. still misting twice a day regular water. temps are acuright 81f 32% growbright 74f 43%

If i were to guess which ones were male i would say the one in the center and the top right
Your plants look very healthy! The internode spacing is tight, and most of the plants have thick stalks. Keep doing what you are doing!

How do you plan on managing the stretch when they go into flower? I really couldn't tell how much height you had available. I re-read your thread and didn't see any mention of it.

Good Luck Man!


Well-Known Member
ahh thats because I was pretty high when i created the thread and completely forgot to include a height

the closet is 2'x4'x5' inside measurements
im gunna veg till sunday skip week 4 and flower. gunna leave the plants that i can in there for as long as i can when i know they are female i will cut some clones or prolly tear up a few making a bounch of clones as i knew i dont have the room to flower that many plants

I might have to LST depending on growth but im not really sure what im gunna do untill i have to do it... to bad your in the mid west i would give ya a few of these damn things! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Well technically its 4 weeks since germination and i may not have the room if they get much bigger so tonight the closet is getting a light change to HPS when it goes off!!! 12/12 starting tomorrow morning & their first foliar feeding with humboldt countys own Snow Storm Ultra!!!

I noticed a couple small yellow spots on the lower leaves so when I transplanted into 2gal grow bags I used regular water and will do so for the following watering to flush a bit of the ferts into the rest of the soil. I will start off with 1/4 of the recommended SSU due to the yellow spots until everything is looking perfect then increase to 1/2 total for the rest of flowering, 2ml/gal applied weekly.

I found a humidifier that fit in the closet well for the past few days but now that i got a few trays instead of 1 there isnt much room anymore so im gunna try to keep it running outside the closet but vent it to the intake. worth a shot i guess.

While I was in Ithica this weekend, Ithica Glass hooked me up again with another Toro!! straight tube stemless w/ natural diffy. I have grow to love my other stemless so when i saw these... well i didnt have enough money with me thankfully to deck out this tube or i would have spent more then I had intended.

also while i was there i hit up a couple hydro stores and got everything i need for cloning and the ebb&flo materials
2 pumps
10ft 1/2" tubing
8"x4" flood tray
bag of hydroton
4 6"net cups
180deg sprayers

these are the only ferts/nutes i use from clone to flower


Well-Known Member
Flowering Day 3, 7/11 have been ID as male. this is the last time i order reg seeds and absolutely the last time i order from nirvana!


Well-Known Member
1 identified female yay! its also 1 of the big ones yay! so out of the 6 i transplanted 5 are male lol go figure... should have left the damn things in the cup until i knew which ones were female. meh lesson learned but i guess i dont need to worry about transplanting next time nor males just hermies.



Well-Known Member
well 4 have made it to week 4 *week 1 in flower* temps 78F 42humidity
one of the plants has odd discoloration and fan leaves the others seems healthy and fine

the clones are trying to recover which i dont have much hope for at this point... I put the clones in the attic and its a bit cool up there this time of year but what did them in was someone turned the lights off for the attic and they were in the dark from around 6pm - 10am... they are now drooped over laying on the bucket. Nobody intended for this to happen but it has so i need to fix the flaw...

I ordered the seeds i have been looking at for a while G13 Labs Thai Super Skunk & feminized Lock Stock from the attitude seed bank. I cant have stuff like this in the attic because of undependable individuals residing here so im actively looking for a small cabinet that i can veg in which will stay in my room next to the flowering cabinet.

Your looking pretty good mate. Too bad about so many males, when I saw your little male "chart" I was just thinking "damn, glad I ordered fem seeds".

So you only have 2' of vertical space? If so that blows.

You should invest in a grow hut/tent. The smallest ones are somewhere in the range of ~$120 and up. Had I not built my cabinet I would've considered a grow hut the next best option.

scribed :eyesmoke:

BTW: your comment about the seedlings taking soo long really helped me out. Mine just started there second node at what I believe to be day 17 after germ. I was beginning to worry but that helped ease me tensions. And of course they've had a stressful week which would slow them down.


Well-Known Member
well 4 have made it to week 4 *week 1 in flower* temps 78F 42humidity
one of the plants has odd discoloration and fan leaves the others seems healthy and fine

the clones are trying to recover which i dont have much hope for at this point... I put the clones in the attic and its a bit cool up there this time of year but what did them in was someone turned the lights off for the attic and they were in the dark from around 6pm - 10am... they are now drooped over laying on the bucket. Nobody intended for this to happen but it has so i need to fix the flaw...

I ordered the seeds i have been looking at for a while G13 Labs Thai Super Skunk & feminized Lock Stock from the attitude seed bank. I cant have stuff like this in the attic because of undependable individuals residing here so im actively looking for a small cabinet that i can veg in which will stay in my room next to the flowering cabinet.
what are you using to cool your grow light checked your thread and could not find any reference to it im running a 400 cooltube and would like to know what your doing?

what are you using to cool your grow light checked your thread and could not find any reference to it im running a 400 cooltube and would like to know what your doing?


Well-Known Member
Im glad my post could help you chesirecat1701, was starting to think the thread was private ;-)
the closet is roughly 2'x4'x6' so i have plenty of vertical room i think. The closet was something that has been in the house for over 10years, was built back in the day for a computer, bit of modification and now its a perfect flowering room

stinkbudd1, I have 6" duct running from my hood @ both ends out of the closet. there is a 120mm panaflo PC fan at each end *1 blowing in the other sucking out* they seem to be doing a wonderful job keeping the lamp cool and the overall closet. there is also a 3rd panaflo fan down by the plants pulling fresh air in coupled with a auto fan that blows across the glass of the hood and onto the foliage.

Humidity is something i cant seem to keep in the higher numbers but at least it doesnt drop below 30%

thanks for stopping by :-)


Well-Known Member
Im glad my post could help you chesirecat1701, was starting to think the thread was private ;-)
the closet is roughly 2'x4'x6' so i have plenty of vertical room i think. The closet was something that has been in the house for over 10years, was built back in the day for a computer, bit of modification and now its a perfect flowering room

stinkbudd1, I have 6" duct running from my hood @ both ends out of the closet. there is a 120mm panaflo PC fan at each end *1 blowing in the other sucking out* they seem to be doing a wonderful job keeping the lamp cool and the overall closet. there is also a 3rd panaflo fan down by the plants pulling fresh air in coupled with a auto fan that blows across the glass of the hood and onto the foliage.

Humidity is something i cant seem to keep in the higher numbers but at least it doesnt drop below 30%

thanks for stopping by :-)
thanks for the info and no problem im here for the whole run thats what im going to run in flowering as well 6" inline sucking air across the light from a fresh air intake on the other side of cooltube should be ok we'll see


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info and no problem im here for the whole run thats what im going to run in flowering as well 6" inline sucking air across the light from a fresh air intake on the other side of cooltube should be ok we'll see
That sounds optimal, when i upgrade im deff going cool tube & an inline fan if not a squirrel fan. I need a new grow space though and unfortunately thats just not available in this house

There are 2 guaranteed females now! I guess its pretty safe to say at this point that the other 2 will be female but ya never know :bigjoint:

Asked around town a bit for a cabinet and what do ya know! a free 36"wide x 30" tall x 12" deep brand new still in the plastic wrap for a whopping fee of having to move a refrigerator from point A to B. It needs a bit of modification to work, apparently there was a door for the left side that i didnt get, would have looked nicer but its for functionality not show


Well-Known Member
That sounds optimal, when i upgrade im deff going cool tube & an inline fan if not a squirrel fan. I need a new grow space though and unfortunately thats just not available in this house

There are 2 guaranteed females now! I guess its pretty safe to say at this point that the other 2 will be female but ya never know :bigjoint:

Asked around town a bit for a cabinet and what do ya know! a free 36"wide x 30" tall x 12" deep brand new still in the plastic wrap for a whopping fee of having to move a refrigerator from point A to B. It needs a bit of modification to work, apparently there was a door for the left side that i didnt get, would have looked nicer but its for functionality not show
that is a nice looking cab man you came up pretty nice on that one you can do a lot of different things with that..cant wait to see what you do with it ..ppp


Well-Known Member
So the plan for the cabinet is to run a single 2' T5 for lighting, mylar the interior, and build an acrylic fish tank to fit in there. The end result is to have something which can be brought into and ebb&flo environment for flower. so i will use an external res and salvage the clone bucket pump/sprayers for this project. I was looking around for pre made tanks but i wasnt able to find what i was really looking for 30"L 8"D 10"T. emailed a couple places that make custom size tanks, waiting for a reply :-)

the lighting i will get in Ithica this weekend hopefully, just got to stay away from the commons... Ithica glass always draws me in... Damn Toro tubes!!! :bigjoint:

1 of the plants kinda looks odd and yellowing already on the lower leaves so im gunna try a tsp of epsom salt in a qt of warm water misted on the foliage.


Well-Known Member
Alright, the cabinet is for the most part together, didnt build an acrylic tank, wasnt enough time so for now a planter converted will do. tried like 5 different things with it as for water flow but settled with a single sprayer at the base of each clone and saved myself the headache of overspray. My friend gave me a few clones rooted so I needed to throw those in something asap BBxAK-47xNYC & White Rhino

The girls in flower are looking very nice :leaf::hump: temp is the usual 79F 30% humidity. Nothing to really report at this time, nodal spacing looks great on the 2 to the left and right front the other is stretching

Left to Right BBxAK-47xNYC local breeder, (2)White Rhinos gh seeds, AK-48 nirvana


Well-Known Member
The clones are hurtin, thats why they were just given to me. they should pull through in the next few days, if not, i will just wait till he has some healthy clones for sale. with the size of his room and the recent disaster he doesnt have enough clones to fill the space hes got let alone sell the ones that responded well.

Makes me excited to hear hes putting together a 150 site cloner on top of his (2) 30 site cloners. more clones, more weed, more happy faces :-)

the girls are really starting to push out flowers, it wasnt as noticeable yesterday as it was today but all in all they are still lookin good.


Well-Known Member
Hey, nice setup and nice plants thus far. I have a Homebox XS tent and my relative humidity was below 30% for the whole grow, sometimes even below 20%. I noticed you filled your tray of clones with hydroton and added water which helped raise the humidity. Did you have holes in the bottom of your clone cups and thus your clones were "bottom feeding?" Or will the humidity raise with just hydroton sitting in a tray with water? I'm thinking of ways to raise my relative humidity for my next grow w/o investing in a humidifier.


Well-Known Member
Hey, nice setup and nice plants thus far. I have a Homebox XS tent and my relative humidity was below 30% for the whole grow, sometimes even below 20%. I noticed you filled your tray of clones with hydroton and added water which helped raise the humidity. Did you have holes in the bottom of your clone cups and thus your clones were "bottom feeding?" Or will the humidity raise with just hydroton sitting in a tray with water? I'm thinking of ways to raise my relative humidity for my next grow w/o investing in a humidifier.
thanks marley, the cups were sealed. they were under a 400w so the cups even sitting in water would dry in a day or so. hope this helps

chesire, Im the cabinet a couple times a day and it seems they will never fill out but its comin!


Well-Known Member
Well it appears the only clone which is going to make it is the BBxAK-47xNYCD that I put in soil to make sure i would at least get a mother of it. Thankfully I did cause that makeshift clone cabinet aint worth a shit for sure.

I can really smell the girls now, when i come in the house from a short trip its still a fresh green smell but obvious that there is stuff growing in the house. Im not worried about the odor as I live in a remote area with out immediate neighbors and frankly enjoy the smell.

here are some pics :-)
