400W mh/hps Barneys Red desiel, Nirvana white widow and AK 48 & sativa Blackberry


What's happen everybody in the community. Hope the years been treating y'all great and brought along good things. This is a first time thing for me. With the site and grow. Everyone seems to be really helpful.

I currently have my seeds waiting to arrive

Order Inventory:
Product: Red Diesel Feminized
Options: Feminized Seeds Per Pack - 05 Seeds
Quantity: 1

Product: Nirvana Seeds White Widow Feminized
Options: Feminized Seeds Per Pack - 05 Seeds
Quantity: 1

Product: Nirvana Seeds AK 48 Feminized
Options: Feminized Seeds Per Pack - 05

Product: Blackberry Feminized
Options: Feminized Seeds Per Pack - 05 Seeds
Quantity: 1

I baught some seeds before but I'm not confident they will show up. Crossing fingers.

Hydrofarm Convertible SunBurst 400w mh/hps
400W Super hps Hortilux for flowering
400W SunMaster mh Cool Deluxe

Grow Room:
International Growers Supply
Silver Edition 3' by 3' by 6'

Carbon Filter:
Active air products of Vortex powerfans and PROfilter

Grow Medium:
RW cubes for pre Veg
Hydroton rocks flower.

Fox Farm

Hydro Grow:
I'm going w DWC. I've read enough so far to be comfortable w this system. All my seeds are FEM already. I'm choosing one of each. 4 plants in 4...5 gallon DWC set ups.

I have about 6 books on the way to help me a bit along the way. As well as this great community. I buy all my equipment at a Hydroponics store close to town. Been there 10 years and they are very laid and helpful.

Suggestions and advice would be great.
Your wondering..what does DYKWITA means..Ima break it down DoYouKnowWhatImTalkinAbout!

Ima post pics soon of the set up, just lacking a computer at the moment.


RIU Bulldog
I was the same way. I just did my first grow a few months ago, which, let's just say, was a learning experience.
When I ordered my first light and all the neat little doo-dads like ph and ppm meters, carbon filters and fans, pumps and pvc. Plus I bought all the tools i needed to build everything myself (that way I save money, and I get to buy new tools) so I got a new drill, and a jig saw and all this neat stuff. Thats one thing i would implore you to buy is a ph and a ppm/ec/tds meter. They make life so much easier. Also if your gonna use soil, youll need a soil ph meter.
Im on my second grow and im still fine tuning the grow room. I think if I ever had a "perfect" room, things wouldn't be as fun. It's cool though casue once things are pretty dialed in, you don't really need to do much but try not to fuck up. lol
good luck.


Yeah it seems to be a bit of a challange but I'm game. Sorta intemidating bc I'm doing the DWC but after reading the past 3 books and all the videos online I feel alot more confident. I was gonna build a room myself too but I have enough projects going on at the place lol. I figured why not get a nice growroom for a fare price that would last a long time and can be stored away w ease. I'm always on that w the ppm/ph and humidity/climate metters. The hydroponic store near by is really great and the people there don't make u feel dumb and they help full. I know 4 diff strains is a challange but why not learn everything in the begining. Throw myself to the wolves and go home or go big. It is the south lol. I'm going buy a new charger for my camera In a bit so I should have pics posted within the week. Sucks working off the Iphone but it's what I got. Thanks for the encouragement. I have account on ICMAG but I havnt had no feed back. This community seems alot better. Any words of advice on nutes? I was also thinking of a scrog but a 3 by 3 set up seems tight w 4 plants especially if I veg untill 12" or 14".

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Hey man

Doing a blackberry in soil under a 400w at the minute. Sweet plant would defo grow it again. Going to be a decent producer in dwc for sure. Good luck and Ill tag along for this one


Thanks for the encouragement bro. Ima do my best to keep everyone posted on everything. Deff gonna be following yalls too for sure. Anyone know if Sativa Seeds Company is legit for the feminized blackberry seeds ?

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the encouragement bro. Ima do my best to keep everyone posted on everything. Deff gonna be following yalls too for sure. Anyone know if Sativa Seeds Company is legit for the feminized blackberry seeds ?
As far a s I know Sativa seeds is just another name for Nirvana. Same guys


Thanks bro. I figured it was the same company bc the package looked idenical to the Nirvana packs. Appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
its better to use a computer from what ive read on here. i guess they can track you threw your iphone pix. dont have a iphone so clue.


Figured so. I'm working on getting cheapo computer for the place. I'm not worried about the tracking, if they want me they can come get me. It's all for personal use and as long as I'm not giving out to the community around me I'll be fine. To small of a town for those funds lol. Thanks for the tip bro.


Well-Known Member
i think its BS we have to be worried about growing a plant in the first place. it was here long before we were. it doesnt hurt anyone, and no one has ever oded on it.


Yeah it's deff the dumbest thing ever but it's America and in the works of Joe Peshie in Casino " it's always about the dollars ". Without fighting drugs in America there would be no jobs for the police force. I only belive in it bc I watch so many of my friends suffer from taking pain meds and get hooked. Marijuana would save so many lives from addiction and day to day pain and stress. If they do catch me..I'll say " hey! I don't like dealing w drug dealers and dangerous people I don't know" lol. Plus the family got some pull in this deep south. U know politics are dirty lol


I found me a desktop computer! Ima have updated pics Sunday or Monday hopefully. It is Madi-Gras season so kinda get side tracked!


Quick question peps. I'm going purchase International Growers Supply "silver edition hut". Deminsions 3' by 3' by 6'. Wonderinging is a 6" Active Air inline duct Fan would be suitable for blowing hot air out the room? I will be getting the filter and ducking later in flower to match it. It will be installed on the far top right hand side of the Hut along with 1 or 2 intake fans on the far left hand side at the bottom. Maybe one 8 inch or 2 6 inch fans. Also will have a olsilating fan running.


RIU Bulldog
just remember that your hydrfo setup will probably need about a foot and a half to two feet of space, plus your light is going to need another foot of space from the top, so that only leaves 3 - 3 1/2 ft of grow space. Scrog would work, but maybe you could buy a 7 or 8 ft tall model? idk just fyi.


I deff was highly considering scrog just got that reason. Now that u said that Im deff go w the scrog. Was iffy about it but Ima roll w it. They don't have a 7 or 8ft'er at the store so Ima scrog and work w what I got. Thanks for the tips bro. We just finished the warrior dash in town and gonna have all my photos updated for y'all Sunday or Monday. Ima show a legit step by step w my grow room. I'm making a fak door and everything in the closet so it will be a couple of days of prep on the room before I actually get the tent set up. My local hydroponics store will help me put w the exhaust fans and all so I'm good on that subject. Everyone have a good weekin ad throw down like no other!


Happy Madi-Gras! The one week everyone gets off school and some work to party it up. It has been whipping my ass this past week though so a little delay on updates.