400w MH & HPS ~ Ace of Spades ~ ScroG


Active Member
And so it begins!!

Strain: Ace of Spades (Black Cherry Soda x Jack the Ripper)
Pre-Veg: 4 wks. under 4 T5HO's (have to wait until the Blue Cheese HPS is done to start this MH)
Veg: 4 wks. under 400w MH
Flower: 8 wks. under 400w HPS
Pots: 5 gallon buckets (drilled for drainage)
Soil: Black Gold (Natural & Organic)
Nutrients: none during veg, undecided during flower (open to recommendations)
Water: 6ppm RO
Temps: low 80*s Day, mid 70*s Night, 30%-40% humidity

T5HO day 1



Active Member
Finally time to update these kids. Gave them an upgrade today to medium veg pots..
Loving the bushiness of this strain! Decided to vertical one, and scrog the other. And will definitely be cloning the shit out of these two to make this strain my new full time grow.

Had to check out your grow(s) man! Those AoS look super healthy so does tht blue cheese... Might try scrog next time for an even canopy like ur Cheese plants. All looks good though dude, ill definitely be checkin in!


Active Member
Thanks buddy.. After seeing the last pics I posted here, I decided it was time for an update.
Repotted one of the two, but ran out of media before I was able to pot up the 2nd.

This one already had roots coming out of the bottom of it's pot, so it got repotted straight into a 5gal bucket.

This one will be repotted the same sometime this week.. just gotta get another bag of organic Black Gold.



Active Member
Well it's that time.. The larger of the 2 plants was ready for it's individual scrog screen.
Here's what I was able to whip up using spare parts from an old grow rack I had.

wasn't easy finding room for it under the HPS. A couple more weeks on the larger scrog, and it'll be ready to harvest. Which will make room for everything else to get moved in..



Active Member
From here on out I'll be doing a mix of scrog and vertical. See what actually works best..


Active Member
After harvesting my blue cheese scrog, I decided not to scrog either of the AOS plants. The entire center of the BC scrog was near worthless due to lack of adequate airflow. So both of these girls will be going vertical from here on out..
Maybe I'll try it again with one of their many clones when the time comes.
Just switched these two over to 12/12 and HPS. Didn't like the feeling of not having anything flowering..



Well-Known Member
Those are nice and large. They will still grow a lot!

I only have my clones two weeks of Veg....much smaller.

Good luck,



Active Member
Got an email from the forum wishing me a happy birthday, so thought I'd return to make a "Medically Compliant" birthday update..
Only change here is I went vertical rather than scrog. And have been using Ionic Bloom..

Ace of Spades 1 : 2 weeks from harvest

Ace of Spades 2 : 4 weeks from harvest



Active Member
Excellent looking bitches my friend. :)
Thanks buddy..
I had to try and avoid getting any of the leaves in these pics.
Turns out this strain is EXTREMELY sensitive to nutrients. They were both fried after the first feeding. So not too pretty to look at right now..
The new batch of clones will be fed at 1/4 - 1/2 strength the recommended dose. See if that helps any. Otherwise I'm just going to have to stop using nutrients on the AOS all together.
The Blue Cheese I'm currently growing LOVES it's full strength feedings. Seems crazy to me that this new strain can't handle the same thing.


Active Member
Thanks guys.
Now that I know how sensitive this cross is to feedings, my up and coming batch of clones should be top notch. Just had to get it all dialed in and such..