400w Hps


Active Member
Yo everyone,

I´m would like to ask a question. I´ve got a grow room setup. It´s dimensions are 59.76"(153cm) high, 19.53"(50cm) wide and 23.43"(60cm) deep, I counted 16 square feet. Know I´d like to grow under an 400W HPS, but I´d like to know, if this (I know its in a diferrent language) High Presure Sodium light MASTER SON-T PIA PLUS E 400W E40 www.Svitidla-levne.cz could work, it has 56500 Lumens, it says its a high presure sodium, whitch I believe is what HPS stands for, but it´s got a regulal E40 bulb socket?! Never the less if someone could please tell me if this has suficient power to keep 4 plants from vegetaition to flowering happy, I would be very gratefull. I´d also like to hear your opinions if growing 4 plants in this space isn´t too much. But I´d still like to know if this single 400WHPS would keep´em happy.

I´m looking forward to your answers

Thanks in advance

A 400w HID light is probably going to be too warm for that small of a space. You should look at a 250w or even something a little smaller, unless you're going to have some serious ventilation/cooling.
TIGO... i would not use an HID uness you have good ventilation... you will need to take out the hot air.. ir that room will quickly go over 90 degrees...

you can grow some great plants using CFLs with much less heat issue... and great to learn with!

Thx for your answers, but I´m not planning on using an HID (High intesity discharge), I was planing on using HPS(High presure sodium). Is the heal buildup smaller with a HPS lamp, or is it the same? Oh and my neme is iltigo I L T I G O not TIGO:D