400w HPS Indoor Bagseed Grow


Well-Known Member
Hi all...
Have been milling around these forums for a while now gathering info and Im now almost ready to start my own grow. Im currently overseas but will be back in 2 weeks so thought I'd get this up and running now. This is my first proper attempt at growing indoors so Im a lil excited.

This is what I've got so far:
- .9/.5/1.6m Mylar Grow Tent
- 400 watt HPS Cooltube kit
- Yoyo Light Hanging System
- 150mm x 500mm Carbon Filter
- 150mm Centrifugal fan
- 6m 150mm Ducting
- Digital Thermometer
- Digital PH Tester
- Plenty of bagseed

This is what I still need to get:
- Grow medium/soil. Canna Terra Pro alright?
- Pots (square to get maximum use of space)
- Small fan to blow on plants
- EC Meter. Necessary?
- Something to test humidity. Necessary?
- Anything else Im forgetting that I should pick up in the next couple of weeks?

So as you can see from what I've got/getting you can pretty much see the grow Im going to be attempting.

I plan on sprouting 5 seeds. I figure this way I can lose 2 or 3 to either a) being male, b) grower error or c) if all turn out good, Ill just pick the best 2 or 3 depending on how much room I've got.

Hopefully will have 2 or 3 plants at the end of harvest. If I get 60g (20-30g each) in all Ill be happy. That's the aim but who knows how it'll all turn out. Does this (2 or 3 plants) seem reasonable considering my set up?

I'll probably veg for 3 or 4 weeks and then switch to 12/12 and flower till ready (3ish months). Does 4ish months from seed to harvest seem reasonable and/or do-able?

Anyways, once I return home I will immediately set it all up and post some pics of the setup and start to sprout the seeds.

Till then... :eyesmoke:

BTW, I welcome and encourage all comments, advice, critiques, or anything you have to say about my grow, setup or plans (although I dont expect too much activity until I get some pics up and get started proper).


Well-Known Member
Well I've started. Have got 7 seeds germinating as we speak. I put them in some wet paper towel and put in a warm place. Standard germination... No Pics of that as its a lil boring. I'll wait till theres actually a plant before pics will be up. But for the mean time here is a pic of my set up...well sort of since its not fully set up.

My Tent:

Phat Carbon Filter:

400w HPS and Cooltube:


Exhaust Fan:

Ducting (6m):

I'll probably set it up tomorrow as I need to get some proper duct tape for all the joins.

I've also got a centrifugal fan. Will use that after veg when I connect the carbon filter.

Im hoping to have a harvest by Christmas :leaf: It will be the best present ever!

Aiming to veg for 4 (maybe more depending on size at the time) weeks then flow for 8 - 12 weeks. My goal is to get at total of 100 grams from the 4 plants I plant to flower. Around an ounce per plant...doable I think. Anything more would just be a bonus.

I think this is coming together nicely.

So stay tuned. In a few days Ill have some pics of the final set up as well as a first glimpse of the (hopefully) ladies.

Till then...

ps. This grow is my learning grow hence why Im using bagseed. But I must say, there is a little fun in bagseed. You never know what you are going to get...a little bit of mystery. I like it lol. If all goes well I will be buying some seeds of strains that I want for my next grow. I plan on updating this grow journal every 3-4 days throughout the grow all the way through to harvest, curing and finally smoke report to cap it all off. Cant wait to get this first grow done and under my belt. I know its going to be a very satisfying process.



Well-Known Member
Well it turns out Im going to have to have the carbon filter and centrifugal fan outside the grow tent. I was hoping to have it in the tent, suspended near the top or something but the filter and fan together are bigger than I anticipated. I was going to pull through the filter (Filter > Fan > Cooltube > Exhaust) but now will go Cooltube > Ducting out of tent > Fan > Filter. Is there any real difference doing it this way?

And with the extra space in the tent now I've decided 6 plants might be on the go. So I now have 9 seeds germinating. Of the 7 seeds Ive previously seen flower from this batch of seeds, all were female. So fingers crossed that continues and I can get at least 6 seeds germ properly. BTW, at 6 plants that works out to 30cm x 25cm per plant in floor space (and around 100cm in head room). Is that too crowded, or decent? Considering I don't think I'll end up with monster plants I think I might be alright.

And here's my noob moment. Considering the set-up change above (one end of cooltube open > ducting out of tent > fan > filter), would it be better to have the passive intake down low or up high? I have 3 duct vents. 1 at top which I'll be exhausting out of, 1 at top back and one at bottom side. Which one should be my intake? Im thinking bottom...but I want to be sure.

ps. I just got back from overseas and Im still on international time. Its 5.30am here, and I've been up for a few hours. Im right now waiting for the store to open to get the needed supplies to fully set up. I was hideously unprepared upon getting back home...my shopping list includes: Duct tape, Wire, wire cutters, needle nose pliers, scissors...stuff that anyone should have around the house. Anyways, Pics coming this afternoon/evening of completed set-up...and hopefully some popped seeds.


Well-Known Member
After 24 hours I had 4 seeds pop and by now have 6. Doesn't look like the other 3 are going to go...meh. Have had the first 4 in the ground for 24 hours now. Will hopefully show their heads within the next 24 hours (then I'll start with the proper pics).
Till then...


Active Member
After 24 hours I had 4 seeds pop and by now have 6. Doesn't look like the other 3 are going to go...meh. Have had the first 4 in the ground for 24 hours now. Will hopefully show their heads within the next 24 hours (then I'll start with the proper pics).
Till then...
nice setup,i would recommend planting about 20,i planted 10,8 grew,3 were females,i was pretty dissapointed with the low ratio,i would plant alot and take the 6 best looking plants into flower,although you might have a better ratio its always better to be safe than sorry, good luck p.s as for your intake question i would use bottom cause lower is cooler cuz heat rises just my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
Just put the last 2 seeds into the soil. Now the wait begins for them to show their heads...

nice setup,i would recommend planting about 20,i planted 10,8 grew,3 were females,i was pretty dissapointed with the low ratio,i would plant alot and take the 6 best looking plants into flower,although you might have a better ratio its always better to be safe than sorry, good luck p.s as for your intake question i would use bottom cause lower is cooler cuz heat rises just my 2 cents
I think Im going to gamble. I've previously seen 7 of these very seeds grown and all turned out female, so Im hoping the trend continues. Pushing my luck? Maybe...but fuck it lol. I reckon I'll be ok in the end...but only time will tell as to whether I'll have to eat my words. Keep your fingers crossed for me


Well-Known Member
BTW, just had the first run where I took temps. Lights were on for about 5 hours. Temps was at 29.5 degrees Celsius (85F). What do you guys think of that? I've read that the ideal range is from 70-75F in some places, 75-85 in others, and 80s-90s in yet others. So Im a little lost. Too me, it didnt seem to hot in there at all. But also to keep in mind, it is winter so its will probably rise when we get into the heat of summer.

Any input appreciated.



Well-Known Member

Couple more pics of the set up. And some seeds in soil (exciting, I know haha). Couple have just popped through the soil.

BTW, the tent is in my room atm but it wont be there for to long. I've got a cupboard in the hall that's the perfect dimensions for the tent and carbon filter.Its got a power outlet in there and also has a lock with a key. As soon as I moved in here and saw that cupboard I envisioned a grow taking place in there. Am quite happy that its now happening.

Anyways, that'll be it for a few days as I wait for the seedlings to get going. Once I think they're worth looking at I'll post some pics.



Well-Known Member
Finally making an update. Shit went down and had to move these babies outside for a while. Now been back under the light for a week. They're looking ok (just ok) i tbhink. Very small for age but Ill just veg for longer to compensate.

As you can see in the last couple pics, there is some yellowing and dieing off of leaves. Can anyone help diagnose this? Should I repot now or soon?

Ill try make some regular updates from now... i think ill have to...looks like Im going to need everyones help to make this a success.

All comments and recomendations welcome.


Well-Known Member
btw, sorry for crappy pics... couldnt be bothered taking them out since Im lazy and all. haha. and they weere taken on the crappy phone camera. ill try more next time...i promise.

and its interesting... all the plants are looking quite different so far. Im hoping they're different strains. They were from bagseed I'd collected over the last 7 years, so they could easily be all different. fingers crossed.