400w HPS Closet Grow (Purple Jems, Himalaya Blue Diesel, and Auto Great White Shark)


Well-Known Member
okay... I'm starting them in their final 1gal pots, so I can't really do the bathtub thing.

when I put them in the soil, do I turn the lights on to their permanent lighting cycle? Or how much light, if any, should they get while germinating in the soil before they break ground??
If your temps are low, i would put the lights on, but dont quote me because i grow with cfls, im not sure if youd wanna waste 400W on a seed in the dirt..lol..

what size is your grow space?? your germing 8 seeds thats gonna need quite some room, also do you have plans for odor because it will be stinking in about 3 or 4 weeks


Well-Known Member
Here's a pic of a lowlife that just sprouted, its either hindu kush or white russian i mixed up the seeds by accident.. btw good luck bro hope everything goes well


Active Member
If your temps are low, i would put the lights on, but dont quote me because i grow with cfls, im not sure if youd wanna waste 400W on a seed in the dirt..lol..

what size is your grow space?? your germing 8 seeds thats gonna need quite some room, also do you have plans for odor because it will be stinking in about 3 or 4 weeks
yeah... I'm just going to turn the lights on and leave them about 3' away. I'm growing in an 8' x 2' x 7' approx. Odor will be dealt with as time goes on.

Here's a pic of a lowlife that just sprouted, its either hindu kush or white russian i mixed up the seeds by accident.. btw good luck bro hope everything goes well
oh man... I can't wait to see how your Lowlifes come out... You'll be just a few days ahead of me.

i heartmj

Active Member
yeah most definitely... I'm gonna snap some pics when they start popping up.

anyone want to discuss optimal feeding schedules for autos?

I'm wondering if I can get some of your opinions on when feeding should begin? At what strength? What you would use(out of what I have)? When would you use it? how much would you use?

I was pretty much going to start at week 4 of the FF feeding schedule. I will begin at 1/4 strength and work up. This feeding regimen will begin on day 14, that is, if you all think it's a good idea ;-)

inputs please.

wait till the bottom leaves start to yellow.. (I personally wait till the tips of the leaves are starting to yellow) then hit em with some tiger bloom.. start out at 1/8th strength and then bump to a 1/4 strength every other watering.


Just don't over feed and your good, I used some tiger bloom and the general feeding 2-3 tspn. I did 2 and recieved some burn so i just used it every other watering. But my auto was bagseed, my guess is its and easy ryder.
Big Bloom by fox farms works perfect an wont burn , A little weaker than the tiger bloom an I think you can use 4 tea spoons to gallon of water ,Once a week , But I would go with the 2 Gallon buckets its what they reccomend they do need the root space , Hurry with the pictures . I will try to get some of mine up tommorow . Untill then :joint:


Well-Known Member
actually, it's 1 tbsp per gallon..which is 1/4 strength...oh, wait, 4 tsp is 1 tbsp..DUH! I'm high...
Big Bloom by fox farms works perfect an wont burn , A little weaker than the tiger bloom an I think you can use 4 tea spoons to gallon of water ,Once a week , But I would go with the 2 Gallon buckets its what they reccomend they do need the root space , Hurry with the pictures . I will try to get some of mine up tommorow . Untill then :joint:


Active Member
sounds good everyone... Thanks for the feeding advice.

I turned my light on (20/4), and am keeping the top layer of soil moist while the seeds finish germinating.

borrowing my buddy's camera tomorrow so I can at least get some pics of my growspace in here. I'll make sure I get another picture when everyone pops up and then weekly photo updates after that. And of course the contextual photos if I need you guys to look at something or help me with a problem the plants are exhibiting.


Well-Known Member
yeah, 1 tbsp is 1/4 strength....if you look on the bottle it will say; 4tbsp every watering<of course you not gonna use it every watering, but my point is if 4tbsp is full strength then 1 tbsp is 1/4 strength...


Well-Known Member
i wish they could make everything simpler 1 type of screwdriver 1 form of measuring 1 , 1, 1, 1, 1,!!!! whats with all the choices lol


Active Member
oh... Do me a favor and look up the fox farms feeding schedule... Does it gradually increase by itself? Should I follow it exactly or should I just feed based on the plants need for nutrients?


Active Member
i wish they could make everything simpler 1 type of screwdriver 1 form of measuring 1 , 1, 1, 1, 1,!!!! whats with all the choices lol
yeah I know... I don't mind having to measure I just wish that the amount needed was cleared and didn't fluctuate so much from strain to strain and between autos and photos.


Well-Known Member
I have it already.....yes it does increase gradually...do both, watch the plants AND follow the feeding chart, but alwayz do what the plants want FIRST...REMEMBER, FEED @ 1/4 STRENGTH OF WHAT THE BOTTLE/CHART SAYS.....Hope this helps...


Active Member
if I fed 1/4 of 2 tsp that would be a 1/2 tsp feeding right? That seems like such a small amount of nutrient. Am I misinterpreting something?


Active Member
I can tell I'm going to be checking with you guys constantly before feeding to double check my levels/amounts.