400W HPS 2x White Russian Autoflower FIRST TIME INDOOR

Yo everyone,
If you didn't garner enough information from the title, this is my first indoor grow.(grew 4 Kaya Golds outdoors last year, but they were all ripped just before harvest :-( ) It's stealth grow-op using a 400W Light rig and I am currently germinating two femmed White Russian autoflowering seeds. Not sure what soil I will be using but will update tommorow. Anyone have suggestions on what kind of soil to use (and possible when to use nutes)?
P.S. Bit of a newbie regarding light cycles for autoflowering. What's the general consensus? 20/4, 18/6 or straight 24 hours a day?
Can't screw up the light schedule of autos, just gotta keep it consistent. 24/0, 20/4 or 18/6...anything less and you'll hurt your yield. Remember, you dont get to choose when it flowers, its best to give it all the light you can.
Whoops sorry guys almost forgot I made this journal! Both seedlings broke the soil today so I'm a very happy man haha. Setting up the lighting has had anything but that affect though. The first bulb I purchased was cracked and the second bulb (a replacement) blew out after three hours. Fingers crossed this new bulb will go the distance (400W HPS). I'm running them on an 18/6 light cycle as the bulb is quite close to plants so I don't want to burn them. To circulate the air and keep the heat down I'm using a desk fan (seems to be working so far). Just a bit of future proofing - at what point should I start using fertilizers? I usually judge it on light cycles but Autoflowers grow independent to light cycles...
Sweet jesus I'm lazy. Sorry for the delay but plants are both going fantastic. Both showing 5 sets of leave and are about 10cm tall. Anyone know when I should start giving them some ferts?