400w DWC Tent - GDP SLH PE Grow Journal

Mal, good to see you have a new thread going!

And SLH! nothin like starting from seed... lookin great brother.

I just started paying attention to my SLH clones now that I have the space to let em thrive, I only ran 2 seeds in veg- but they were two distinct phenos. One was that straight sativa skunk you hear about, but I also got a more broad leave'd indica that just... ranked man. Like "ass of skunk" sickness. just in veg.

Excited to sit back and smoke to this one
Mal, good to see you have a new thread going!

And SLH! nothin like starting from seed... lookin great brother.

I just started paying attention to my SLH clones now that I have the space to let em thrive, I only ran 2 seeds in veg- but they were two distinct phenos. One was that straight sativa skunk you hear about, but I also got a more broad leave'd indica that just... ranked man. Like "ass of skunk" sickness. just in veg.

Excited to sit back and smoke to this one
I had a bag of slh that was the most flavorful shit I have ever smoked. That particular bag didn't get me super stoned, but I have had other lemon haze that was really potent and flavorful too. Heard nothing but good things about this one. I'm hoping the GPD is a dank female, but we will find out. Kinda excited for the critical sensi star too... looking for a good indica, will see how much sativa is in this.

My girlfriend's plants are coming along... chocolate heaven, grapefruit and blueberry headband; there's some girly strains for you....

The headband is having a rough start; it didn't want to sprout, but I have been keeping it alive for a few days and it is getting slightly bigger very slowly. She mixed up a gallon of water with about 40ppm rootbastic and a squirt of superthrive. Will be pretty cool if it makes a fast recovery.
How did you get your girl to get interested in growing? Its hard enough to get mine to even go in the grow room LOL. She's still a keeper though in my eyes kiss-ass
I'm lucky because she is the one that wanted to grow bud. She was tired of always being out, and at the time we weren't making enough money to buy it very often, and when we did, I was buying from flaky dealers... one of which actually got popped and rolled over on some girl. Around here a lot of the time it was bullshit mids that don't get you high if you have a decent tolerance, for medicinal grade prices.

I just told her I had done it before and knew the basics and what she would need to get started. She had a house and I was in an apartment at the time, so I was going to pop some bagseed for her and then she would grow it at her place... but she ended up moving in with me and I ended up spearheading the project.
Put you're air pumps outside of the tent, during the night cycle the plants will release CO2 and the pumps will be pulling that in.

I don't remember where i got that information from, but i just recall having pumps inside the grow area is not as beneficial as having them outside the grow area.
My buckets are getting slimed... so fucking disappointing. I was hoping for some bullshit to add 2 weeks to my grow.

I made new buckets with pro-tekt and 2 have slime blooms. So then I changed the water, didn't use pro-tekt, 12 hours later I can see slime again. I have always had problems with pro-tekt leaving my res cloudy no matter what I try but I have never actually gotten slimed from it until now. In the Heisenberg bennies thread, it's said (by some people) silica can be a trigger of slime. I used the very last of my aquashield on the last res change, so it might not have been any good. My pro-tekt has thousands of little specs of white shit floating in it... has since I bought it. My DG nutes also always have crystals on the bottom of the bottles. I have ordered DG shit off the web and from my hydro shop.

The aquashield alone is not killing the slime, so today I will get some ancient forest humus, black strap molasses, some lava rocks for housing since I don't have any roots, and order a couple oz of mycogrow soluable from fungi.com. Not looking forward to fucking with tea. Only thing I am thankful for is the roots haven't dropped through the net pots yet in the 2 slimed buckets so maybe it will be easy to defeat. In the past I was able to just use aquashield for slime, but now that I think about it, I always had a root mass. Maybe I just need to add housing for the aquashield.

Fill bucket with 3 gallons 72* 110ppm tap water
2ml api tap water conditioner.
5ml pro-tekt

vape a bowl for 10 - 15 minutes

DG Grow for a final 300ppm
15ml Aquashield (last of bottle)
PH to 5.8
1L bottle of ice

24 hour later = slime bloom
Doing some reading... sodium thiosulphate, a dechlorinator in tap water conditioner, converts chloramine into ammonia. I always thought it was ammonium nitrate. It raises my tap water ppm from 110 to 145.

You are supposed to mix in pro-tekt first before any nutes. If you don't it will start to turn into plastic... put some nutes in a shot glass and add protekt and you can see it happens instantly. The ammonia released in the water could be having the same effect. I am going to stop using the water conditioner and protekt for now. When thing are under control I will start using protekt in one or two buckets.
You let your tap set for some time if you're on city water, right? Don't mean to degrade, just touching bases.is your water naturally that warm?? 110 tap just rocks, 395 over here! Woot woot

im using 2:1 parts of Protekt and grow right now...(5ml/gal sil) Always had build up in my DG containers- but never cloudy silica, been crystal clear so far. What is that "api tap?" Maybe get a new gallon of Protekt and cut whatever extras you "can"

Constant res temp of 72?
Tap water is 72*, after I put ice bottle it is anywhere from 64 - 70. Temps haven't been an issue, and using bennies anyway so you should be able to go a little warmer and be ok. I'm lucky with the water; the region I live in has lots of rivers and lakes. My water has chloramine so there's no point in bubbling it to gas shit off. I had read sodium thiosulfate was the shit for neutralizing chloramine and bonding with heavy metals. Been using it with no problems all last grow. I figured if it's good enough for a $2,500 exotic fish it's good enough for a $2,500 exotic plant. The cloudiness could be a reaction between the protekt and water conditioner. Honestly, with 110ppm tap water and tea I should probably be ok without dechlorinating.

The thing is there are several possibilities of why the slime appeared. I think the silica triggered it, but it could have been a combination of the water conditioner and leftover dead aquashield... I probably won't find out exactly what happened.

Today I ordered the mycogrow soluable, and went to the store and picked up black strap molasses and general hydro ancient forest humus. That shit looks and smells and feels awesome... so rich. I guess it's pretty much organic material from the Alaskan forests decomposing since the last ice age. Sounds pretty fuckin good to me. I was telling the store guy my DG nutes had crystals in the bottom and I was looking at some bottles of GH 3 part that looked clean as fuck all the way through like kool-aid. He gave me a free 8oz samples of grow/bloom/micro. Since SLH is the only strain I have more than 1 of, I will be running GH 3 part with one SLH and see how it compares... not that one sample of an unknown pheno will mean shit anyway.
Just looked at the plants and the slime appears to be gone for now... the couple roots that have dropped are still pure white with no slime on them. I reacted immediately when I noticed so hopefully I'm good... at least until the mycogrow gets here and I can brew tea for 2 days.
I was telling the store guy my DG nutes had crystals in the bottom and I was looking at some bottles of GH 3 part that looked clean as fuck all the way through like kool-aid. He gave me a free 8oz samples of grow/bloom/micro. Since SLH is the only strain I have more than 1 of, I will be running GH 3 part with one SLH and see how it compares... not that one sample of an unknown pheno will mean shit anyway.

If you are gonna run GH, i would suggest trying the lucas formula, worked good for me. Its just Micro and Bloom. Someone took all the posts lucas made and build a website to immortalize his knowledge. http://www.asklucas.com/

Really good to read through, even if you are not using GH
Here is something to fill the silence while you check out this update.

Things are pretty typical right now for early veg. So far I'm not a fan of the bigger net baskets. Growth seems slow as fuck compared to what I'm used to, and there are buckets that STILL don't have any roots dropped. It seems like they might as well be in fuckin soil at this point. The GPD and PE did exhibit explosive growth like I am used to before I topped them, so I am not sure how much of the slow growth is strain related. But at this point, I have seen no benefits from using larger net baskets, and only detriments (had to buy/wash another bag of hydroton, slower growth waiting for roots to drop, heavier, less room to fit instruments in buckets, less water meaning conditions in the res change faster). A few of you have convinced me for my next grow to try 2" net pots with neoprene inserts.

I topped the PE and GDP; now waiting for the top shoots to get big enough to LST until the lower 2 catch up.

I've had somewhat of an interesting revelation. It has been extremely difficult to get my garden dialed-in because I have had significant ph drop for a long time. In most buckets, the ph would drop to high 4s over 24 hours. Usually this will stabilize after a few days, but often the ph continues to spike until I change the res. I believe slime has always been present in my system on the verge of a bloom. One thing I have learned the hard way, is if I don't use bennies (or if I kill them with chems), I will get slimed in less than 24 hours. Since I have brewed the tea, my ph has been stable and rising a few ticks over 24 hours as expected. Anyone that is experiencing significant ph drop event though your roots are pristine and your plants are healthy and everything seems correct... trying upping the bennies because you could have pathogens just waiting for a chance to explode.

I've heard of Lucas formula, but I am running 3 part for now, since I have 3 small sample bottles. The SLH on faaaaarrrrrrr left is the plant that will be getting GH nutes throughout the grow. Using the GH 3 part was more work obviously than 1 part DG. I expect veg growth will be the same vs DG. Even still, I would expect it to be impossible to tell if the difference in growth (if any) is nute or genetic related. Honestly, I see no reason to use anything fancy for veg, so I will probably stick with simple tried and proven DG grow for veg. For flower, we will see.

Water is at 300ppm.

My girl made a couple hempys. Not all of this shit will be going into flower.

Critical Sensi Star. How long has it been now? Still no side branching.

Grandaddy Purple - didn't realize it was so blurry. Nice crisp shot of the hydroton though!

The 3 fingered SLH runt of the garden.
I havnt even read your post yet, have you listened to their new album!? ugh, first is always the best, but damn he did a great job on this one.. Behaving badly's harmonic sweeps just get me, every time.

EDIT: I just ordered my bennie recipe ingredients today, temps have hit 77-78* and pythium to begin, good to know about the ph, though I think I figured mine out.
Behaving Badly was on the first album, but yes, I have heard Weightless. I think that is what you are referring to (2011) unless there truly is a new album. I agree about the first stuff always being better. Even though on Weightless they play 8s and dropped the tuning, I still like the first better. There are 3 tracks on the first album I absolutely love, and they are all together. Behaving Badly, The Price of Everything, and then Cafo.

My favorite part of Behaving Badly is towards the end during that bridge/interlude or whatever you want to call it. There is this underlying chord that keeps playing throughout the piece that pulls at me and makes it sound so melancholy. And yes, fuck Tosin and his sweeping harmonics. This video almost made me want to quit playing guitar haha.

your setup looks nice and clean. im sure they'll start blowin up once the roots get established. i'm of the opinion that the smaller the netpot the better. wouldn't you want your roots to reach down into the nutrient solution as soon as possible? i would.
Yes I would. Because I've read a few times that the DO in our water only provide a small percent of oxygen the roots use, this was an experiment to see if the additional air (by having a larger net basket) would make any difference. Big fail so far.

Scotch, you have anything new going right now? I'll have to check it out if so, I never get by the LED boards.
Yea BB was probably one of the best highlights of their first album, it's like Buttersnips- you'll never forget the first time :bigjoint: Weightless is what I was referring to as 'new,' Feel like it has kind of slowed down in the local "scene," or maybe I'm speeding up. Idk. Wish bands worth listening to would start coming 'round these parts again. Last one was the Periphery/Architects (T&B tour?) and I wanna say they came through probably.... Last year? Nothin really worth going to since then.. I need to set down and reintonate my gee, lower tunings where it's at (B-flat seems to give me the best balance of low end chug with the high end bubbly, Schecter C1 hellraiser) and give you a seven strings... Funk... Straight metal funk. Can't believe Contortionist' took off like they had, we all used to play shows together at a different kids house every weekend. Small little garage shit... Hahah. I think they're up in Canada right now?

Yea I have two SLH clones that are about 10 days(?) give or take into "full" veg (I hate giving a start date on clones), they exploded when I turned on all x8 T5's and were still stretching, so I finally have them under my 4250k (NW) panel, should put em back down short and stout, theyre still kicking pretty strong so I started training late last week. Then I have another Tangerine Dream that I scrogged, under two of my 10:2:3 custom panels about 4 weeks into Flower- on 11/13 and eventually 10/14- and she'll STILL probably take ~7 more weeks...

O. And temps are souring, ambient outside is 85, keeping mine @ 77 constant, 84 max, 71 low, gotta brew me some tea!!