400w Diesel Ryder/Auto Hindu Kush

i just checked my seeds today and all 5 auto hindu kush and 3 out of the 5 diesel ryder cracked. going to the store to get more soil and party cups.

i ordered 5 regular of each and i am hoping for at least 2 females of each so i can pollinate one of each for seeds for round 2.

does anyone know how many seeds i should expect to harvest and the best way to pollinate....?

picture is of the homemade cab they will be residing in. i built it this weekend and i have a few plants in it already. this will be the start of my perp auto strain cab. i have a 400 watt switchable MH/HPS light, a fan for air flow, and it is set for 18/6 for now, will switch to 20/4 next week. i am using Fox Farm ocean life soil mix and i will be using just water for the first 2 weeks.

please subscribe, give me words of encouragement, help with my question, give me some rep.....

outside of Cab.jpg
very excited that all 5 of the auto hindu kush seeds cracked and are planted, so far 3 out of 5 diesel ryders are planted. put them all in party cups to start, drilled drainage holes in the bottom of each. heres praying that i get at least 2 females of each. the paper towel method worked pretty good this time will definately try it again.

i have also decided to chronicle my two himalaya blue diesel ladies( felica and gidgit) in this thread too, just to keep all my auto flowering shorties together. they are 8 days old and coming along great so far.

so my 400w mh is very warm(a fucking understatement) and i need to figure out how to keep the cab cool when i have to enclose it....any ideas?

seeds on the left are the diesel ryder and the right are the auto hindu kush. three cups in the back are the diesel.

dr.ahk party cups.jpgdiesel ryder seeds.jpgdrilled cup.jpg400w with plants.jpgpapertowel try1.jpgautohindukush seeds.jpg

here are some pics of my hbd ladies too...felica and gidgit..

HBD 1.jpgHBD seeds.jpgHBD 2.jpg

just planted the 4th diesel ryder seed. 9 out of 10 seeds germed so far. not to shabby. the only seed that hasnt germed is much smaller than the rest and very dark.
diesel ryder 1 has sprouted and auto hindu kush 4 and 5 have started and should be fully sprouted tonight.
my 2 HBD females are doing great too and are on day 17.

on the bad side i think my timer is broken so i will be switching that out tonight. also will be switching to 20/4 today.

side note.... put my bubba kush and super lemon haze female seeds in paper towl to germinate too.(got those for free for ordering DR and AHK)

does any have any info or experience with growing diesel ryder, auto hindu kush, or himalaya blue diesel?

sprouts r us here!!!

so diesel ryder 1,2 and 3 have all sprouted, still waiting on 4 that i planted last night. 5th doesnt look like it is going to germinate, o well.
auto hindu kush 1,2,4 and 5 have all sprouted, waiting on 3.
id say 7 sprouts out of 10 seeds so far is not bad!!!

Felica and Gidgit are doing great and both developing there 3rd sets of leaves. i feel like they are a little small for being 18 days old but we will see, isnt usually around now they will show their sex?(i know they are females though).

pics to come later and more updates.
:joint: hahaha sorry ive been smoking chemdogXblueberry from my brother all day

Diesel Ryder 1-3 day 3, 4 day 1.5 sexes unknown
Auto Hindu Kush 1-5 day 3 sexes unknown
Himalaya Blue Diesel Felica and Gidgit day 18 females
Soil Fox Farm Ocean Life organic
watering when needed

so i transplanted Felica and Gidgit into there homes for the rest of their lives unless they show they need bigger, i am going for yield on these two ladies so should i use something bigger than a 6" 4liter pot?? hopefully in a few days these ladies will start to stretch in their new homes, they look kind of short for 18 days. man these 18 days have flown by, feels like i just planted them yesterday.

side by side, Felica side then top, Gidgit side then top.

HBD's  day 18.jpgfelica side day 18.jpgfelica top day 18.jpggidgit side day 18.jpggidgit top day 18.jpg

diesel ryders 1-4 back row, auto hindu kush 1-5 front row.

auto tray day 3.jpg

DR sprouts 1,2,3 and waiting for 4.

DR 1 day 3.jpgDR 2 day 3.jpgDR 3 day 3.jpgDR 4 day 1.5.jpg

AHK sprouts 1,2,4 and 5. waiting for 3. maybe its a sign they are females and just running late like usual......ahahaha. (sorry wifey)

AHK 1 day 3.jpgAHK 2 day 3.jpgAHK 3 day 3.jpgAHK 4 day 3.jpgAHK 5 day 3.jpg

side note - i had to switch back to 4' T12 tubes until we get our spare room back at the end of october, the 400w bright as fuck light with the noisy ballist was too much for our bedroom. i have 6 tubes right now, will be adding 2 more soon
2 6500k lumen output
3 3500k
1 2300k
will add another 6500k and one more 2300k

well thats it for updating for now, will post again with more pics in a few days when the HBD's are 3 weeks old and DR's and AHK's are a week old. any questions, comments, answers and words of encouragement helpful....


Well-Known Member
Todays day 19 of my grow, one of my plants is a haze autoflowering and although i cant check it everyday, today we checked them and the auto is not only showing sex but starting to bud! so yes your autos should be showing sex soon. Ive had them on 4 105 watt cfls, 2 6500k and 2 2700k, today they were switched to all 4 6500k, the 2700k spectrum could have to do with the quick flowering too

DR 4 and AHK 3 have both sprouted. all sprouts look pretty good so far. pics to come when they are 7 days old. 9 out of 10 sprouts is an A in my book so far.

Felica and Gidgit havent grown much. hoping they will take to their new pots soon and start to spread out. more pics of them coming soon.

can anyone tell me if they have pollinated either diesel ryder or auto hindu kush and when is the best time to do it? i figure i have 3 weeks to figure it out.
So its day 7 with the new batch. all 9 seedlings are doing well and will continue to grow in the party cups until they are at least 14 days. that 10th seed still hasnt germed yet. Felica and Gidgit are getting bigger. havent shown that they are females or that they are going to start to flower. website did say these take more like 10 weeks rather than 8 like some of the other autos, so maybe it takes a little longer to start flowering. should i be giving them more than almost full strength nutes and water while they are in the "aggressive" growing stage?

picture time.

Felica day 21 top, side.

Felica top day 21.jpgFelica side day 21.jpg

Gidgit day 20 top, side.

Gidgit top day 20.jpgGidgit side day 20.jpg

Diesel Ryders 1-4 (1-3 day 6, 4 day 2)

DR 1-4 day 6.jpgDR 1 day 6.jpgDR 2 day 6.jpgDR 3 day 6.jpgDR 4 day 2.jpg

Auto Hindu Kush 1-5 (1,2,4,5 day 6, 3 day 2)

AHK 1-5 day 6.jpgAHK 1 day 6.jpgAHK 2 day 6.jpgAHK 3 day 2.jpgAHK 4 day 6.jpgAHK 5 day 6.jpg

anything i am doing wrong so far? how far should the seedlings be from the light? also how far should the 3 week old himalaya blue diesel autos be from the light? i have them both at about 10" away right now.

i will put up new pictures in a week unless anything exciting happens.
any thoughts on.... auto lemon skunk, russian rocket fuel, snowryder, and ruderalis indica? thinking about ordering these seeds tonight.

last night i moved the lights about 2-4" away from felica and gidgit and they seem to be growing a little better already. still waiting for them to show me that they are the sexy ladies i bought.
DAY 11

So very exciting news, last night Gidgit, one of my Himalaya Blue Diesel auto females sprouted her first few white hairs. she has entered flowering!!! my first plant that has started flowering stage. Felica is bigger than gidgit and one day older but no sign of her being a female or white hairs. auto hindu kush and diesel ryder seedlings are growing great.

pics of everything coming tomorrow. also did not order the new seeds yet due to room issues, had to emergency build a second box.
DAY 14

GIdgit has white hairs!!!!!!!!!!!! my himalaya blue diesel. pics to come. she showed these 2 days ago, and they are really sprouting up. i think i can see 2 on felica but i am not 100%.

the diesel ryders and auto hindu kushs are all doing great and working on their 2nd sets. still in party cups for another week at least.

ordered 2 females of each last night : auto lemon skunk, auto blueberry, lowryder #2, and snowryder.
DAY 23


Auto Hindu Kush #1 and #5 are definately females, they are only about 3" tall but they have shown some tiny white little hairs. #4 has got some definate balls! little tiny pollen sacks! i have already took out the male and put him in a different closet.

I spent all day building a little 2 1/2' x 2' x 1' enclosed cabinet. I am going to caulk it and seal it off completely, paint the inside all white so i dont have to use mylar and ill be getting a 2' T5 flour tomorrow.

Any ideas on the best way to pollinate? I was just planning on putting 1 or 2 females(ill put 2 if i get one more lady) in the box with the male in about a week or 2 so the seeds will have at least 5 weeks to mature. (been told 6 is ideal). i was going to shake the male plant over the female(s) when the time is right or should i collect the pollen and paint it on the females or i dont know, any suggestions would be awesome!!!!

so for the auto hindu kush 5 out of 5 seeds germed and sprouted, and so far i have 2 females, id say thats pretty good luck so far.

The Diesel Ryders are growing great and havent shown sex yet but the AHK showed over night so ill keep my eye peeled everyday.

Felica and Gidgit are a little over 2 weeks into flowering and ive been keeping them trimmed, hardly recognizable as a pot plant....

I will put up pictures either later tonight or tomorrow..... i have been very busy and lazy lately sorry.

also i ordered, germed and planted 2 females of the following.... auto lemon skunk, auto blueberry, lowryder #2, and snowryder.

the 2 lemon skunks have both started to sprout and im still waiting to plant the snowryders, again disappointment with the Short Stuff seeds, anyone else have problems with short stuff?