400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
Wow Impressive Engineer!

You ran just those two under one 400... tremendous results. Whats your expected yeild?

and feeding regimine if you dont mind me asking.


Well-Known Member
White rhino. Pics in dark right before chop. 25 day RO flush. They loved it.
Harvest 2 days ago. One sweat or sweet session already. Humidity is low. Couple sampler buds-now back drying. Half of my leaves turned to bubble hash-with sample bowl. other half next morning. Scrapped off of frozen silk screen. High ass a giraffes ass right now. More pics to come in my album.:leaf:



Well-Known Member
because i hate this plant, lol. i cut the top off of it, harvest is next week, and its already flushed...plus its goin to cannabutter....but heres a couple piks....

Dont know the strain and if i did i would never recommend it to anyone.im so glad this is almost done, lol.


Hey guys planning on joining the 400w club. Had a quick heating question.

My room is gonna be a storage room (similar to the attic) on the second floor. What would be my best bet for keeping that room cool and off the thermal radar?
I was thinking of making a ventilation system to the attic. Disperse the heat and what not. The room is quite large bout a size of a bedroom 20-25 ft squared.



Well-Known Member
Let's see - Batman is flying over my house and what does he see?

500 watts from my lights over my dinning room table, 300 watts in the kitchen, 600 watts outside lighting?

My 400 watt grow in the garage - I don't think so.

I would'nt worry until you bring in 2 X 1000 watters.

Just my $0.02

Peace - :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
"batman" doesnt see watts. He sees heat. Of course they need a warrant for that. And if they have a warrant, well they will just kick in your door.


Well-Known Member
I used watts but you can translate that into btu's - more watts = more btu's. That what FLIR is looking at.

1 watt is 3.41 btu per hour. You'll often see "btu" as a shorthand for btus per hour. For example on a space heater I just bought the package says "1500 btus." what that really means is 1500 btu/hr or about 440 watts.

BTW - 400 watt HPS + ballast pull approximattly 440 watts.

Peace - :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
They measure heat, not the amount of power it takes to make heat.
Forward looking infrared, they can detect me, and Im not pulling watts nor British thermal units.


Well-Known Member
They measure heat, not the amount of power it takes to make heat.
Forward looking infrared, they can detect me, and Im not pulling watts nor British thermal units.
The point I was making was however you measure it, the heat generated by a 400 watt HID is less than the light over my head right now.

If you think that anyone is going to waste their time looking at a 400 watt heat signature, you are misinformed.


I would not worry about a 400 watt system in a 20 X 25 foot room, period.

Good Luck. :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
youve clearly missed the point. and no the heat from the incandescent light over your head is not even close to ANY hid light. no matter how you want to justify your ill advised advice.


Well-Known Member
Arguing on the internet is like being in the Special Olympics... Even if you win you are still a Retard.



Well-Known Member
lol, why did you do it? you should know what your talking about before you post.
nice quote, looks familiar.
Im gonna start to grow master kush and snow white both under my mh/hps 400 watt anyone has experience with these seeds from nirvania I plan on growing them for about 16 to 18 weeks anyone have suggestions? would anyone have a educated guess on yield and what size pots should i use?


Dangledo thanks man I apreciate the help. Does venting my exhaust into the attic sound like a good plan or should i try and send it outside asap?
