400w closet organic s.c.r.o.g. - Jack Herer & Unknown


Well-Known Member
More pics tomorrow. With a write up on my method and environment. We have trichomes. I will say I am impressed with the progress of tuko.


Well-Known Member
Hey man looking great!! I love the scrog technique, thats what my next grow is going to be, just working out the details now. Can't wait to see how they turn out.


Well-Known Member
Since I am using my gallery here to host these pics, they have to be 600x600. I cropped out some chunks close to that at full resolution. These were taken with my other camera which I am having a hell of a time getting white balanced.

Jack Herer B



Well-Known Member
I built my grow into a 2'x8'x7' closet with a shelf 20" form the top extending the length. I first planned on using t5ho as the lighting for all areas. I got a small can filter and a 140cfm fan and cut a hole in the divider shelf at the top of the closet. Put in the fan and filter, and cleaned everything with bleach.

I repainted with flat white paint, and constructed walls out of R-Matte Plus-3 3/4" thick foam board. Everything is taped with flex -foil tape, and this is covered in wider foil tape for light tightness.

I use a standard household a/c register to hold a 12"x12" pleated filter. I use the best 3m Filtrette available, and everything has a gasket on it. This flows into a light trap box, 23"x24"x20", then down 2 6" flex ducts to the far bottom corners of the room.

I cut out a door, and made a frame to go behind the cut out, This allows me to glue/tape frame in place, and put a gasket on it. Then, using flex-foil tape, and considerable care, I ran tape the length of the edges on the door, using pressure to slightly compress the leading edge. This basicaly beveled it alolowing easy application/removal. I also did this to the cut out so it is a smooth fit. When the fan is on, It pulls, it into the frame, creating a light tight seal against the gasket


Well-Known Member
On the light trap sits a 6" recirculating fan blowing over the screen.

Using this ventilation system, my temps climbed higher than I wanted. It also pumped all the hot air into my bedroom. I had to do something else, and I went with the HID in a vented hood. I figured a more direct suction of the heat frow the source was better than letting all the t5's heat rise up and get churned around by the fan. I got a biger fan, 450cfm, a bigger filter, Can 66, and ran the duct up to my a/c return line, in my attic. This loops the rooms carbon-filtered exhaust through my house, then back into the room through the 12"x12" filter. As it is a low total wattage system, and my a/c is efficient I can get away with this. I sat inside with the fan off and did crazy sessions making it a massive hot box. We couldn't see each other. 18 seconds after turning on the fan, we saw no smoke. Noone in the rest of the house smelled anything coming from the a/c vents. But this can-66 was huge. Like 10% of the flowering space. So I had to do something else.


Well-Known Member
Above the light trap is a similarly sized box, attached to the roof of the grow, which is actually the closet shelf. On the side of this box facing the center, a 6" and 4" hole are cut. Inside this box, the 140 cfm fan sits connected to a 4" duct running out the 4" hole, and connects to my reflector. An 8" hole runs from the box, up through the shelf. and into another box, 48"x20"x20", which houses the Can-66. This sits ot thin supports to allow maximum airflow around it. On one end of this box the duct runs out and into the attic to hug and kiss and play nice with my big fan. Everything is taped and caulked. On the front side of this box, a hole is cut, and a duct is created to pull some air through my veg side.


Well-Known Member
My veg side. 26"x24"x78 80% covered in foylon, including bottoms of shelves the two shelves. One for rooting clones, lit by a single 17 watt ,24" T8 fluorescent tube. Another for pre veg.

As soon as the clones root, they go into a light-mix/ocen forest mix, with some fox farm starter mixed in. I water these heavily the first time, using dilute kelp, fish emulsion, thrive alive green, and earth nectar/earth ambrosia inoculant.

These move to the second shelf in 1/2 gallon containers, lit by 4 20w, 24" T12 tubes, being driven at 29w each via an electronic ballast. These have a 85 cfm " muffin" fan blowing over them to keep cool. I have done this for years. You have to figure the right ballast/bulb combo to avoid shortening the life of either. It is quite bright, but the bulbs run at 83F.


Well-Known Member
I monitor leaf temps with an infrared thermometer. I see stretching at around 85-86 and aim lower. The clones root into this soil over a couple weeks, and they are kept at the same distance from the light by setting them on squares of the r-matte. as they come of the squares and sit on the shelf directly they are FIM'd. once they grow up to the light, they are supercropped below the second-from-the-top node.

Then they go to veg.

To be honest with you, I kinda feel like an underpants gnome at this point. My plan is bigger than my flower space allows. Unless I don't scrog, and instead sog, which puts me over the state traficking charge limit. I ultimately would like to keep six mothers, and bud one clone of each per harvest, in a sgrog. Or Veg each, LST'ing them to a uniform height. It seems pointless to veg 100 days to take one clone from. But I will figure out my rotation as I go along. I more than likely will be able to supply my clone source with rooted cuttings as a trade for outstanding things as they pop up. I have 8 jack herer clones rooted at the just supercropped stage. I also have two BIG tuko moms. They will out grow my veg space before my current batch is flowered. This is just one of the shitty things about prohibition. I will soon have an overabundance of what appears to be premium genetics, ready to go. I would love to give these to my friends to have their own but I know to well the dangers. I don't live in a stae where this is considered medicine, and therefore I can't easily find those in need to give babies to. I am half tempted to just make a big batch of super soil and let them be free. But I digress.


Well-Known Member
Hey dude thanks for stopping by the grow. Much respect and kudos on whole entire op! Just curious what ur expected yield is?


Active Member
this is one of the best grows ive seen on here. proper scrogging! well done.

ive got some jack right now. but it would bow down to your mighty beasts.