the prodigal son has returned!! HELLO MY FRIENDS, I'M OK!!!!!! I'm so sorry about my recent disappearance...i haven't been on the computer in a while, just been traveling and running herb to my buddies back's been such a hectic crazy month, and things are just starting to settle down...i was very poor for a while so i had to take things in my own hands, i'm doin great now...i am back, so i'll be around alot more like the old days, haha....i did harvest my crop, the yield was a bit lower than i was hoping, due to the lack of space and i'm thinking my hps bulb is due for a change...i'll also put up a few pics of what i have left, it did turn out super dank...all in all i ended up with 3.5 ozs and over 350 seeds of diesel ryder, so i'm happy as hell..i apologize again for dropping off the face of the earth and i truly appreciate all the kind guys are some great friends and i hope all is well...while i was away my girlfriend was using my computer, and she likes to browse around rolliup, that's why you saw my name signed in....well guys, i hope you can forgive me, hahaha....

no reason to worry bout me getting busted, i'm too smart and my setup is too small, hahaha....peace guys, and it's great to be back, so let's get's this bitch rolling again...