Thanks for the kind words
I really like your idea of loading up the soil with organics, and letting the plants eat it up into flowering. I'm thinking manure, worm casings, bone meal, green sand, perlite, soilless mix, and probably a 1/2 cup of lime per cubic foot to even out the PH.
Here's my lineup: I have 4 bagseed plants I started 3 months ago and LSTed the crap out-of while getting my grow dialed in. 3 out of the 4 have already shown female sex. 2 are indica, 2 seem to be a sativa/indica or skunk mix. The one is really stinky can't wait to see what she puts out.
6 are DJ Shorts Blue Moonshine. I have on purple pheno - the rest are pretty much identicle. Oh and I had 2 seedlings come out of one seed, and that's why there's 6!

The other 2 were freebies gigabud and quick silver (auto-flowering but no showyet) All feminized. I plan to clone gigabud and moonshine for the next grow, before they get to far into flower.
I can't wait to get back in there with the camera, so I can get some better pics, but they're sleeping.
Don't mean to hijack your thread here, but damn I'm excited
Here's moonshine purple pheno, unknown indica LST, gigabud, quicksilver, and unknown skunk hybrid, in that order.