400W, 4 Short Riders. second grow help me out:0


Well-Known Member
No problem I'm learning as I go so I don't want to spread any mis information.. If anything else you can just leave them and see what happens. Either way good luck! I'll be checking in to see how it turns out for you.


Well-Known Member
Here they are day 26. Notice the height difference in the 2 plant pics, thats my tallest vs my smallest, about double the size lol and they are the exact same age..


Hey mf
I have some of the same yellowing on my leaves. Of course, I am Day 35, but I'm not terribly worried about it. Those bottom leaves...the ones that really don't get any light...take those off. If more yellowing occurs you can do a couple things (or what I've read):
1. Try to treat what you believe may be a nutrient deficiency...ie nitrogen will green the plant up.
2. Treat what may be nutrient lock out from salt build up. Take your plant to the tube, and run water through them until it runs clear...or as clear as can be since you're in soil.
3. It might also be a Mg deficiency.



Disclaimer: all the above suggestions were given by a complete newbie who reads alot of forums but has no practical application of the knowledge. I do have a couple science degrees though...alas...not botany.


Well-Known Member
Yeah thanks that's just what I thought. I just watered them today with ph adjusted water with tiger bloom. The yellowing is getting worse though some on the very tips even look brown.

I do want to flush them since I haven't yet but my only concern is I've tested the pH of my tap water and according to my test strips it is like 8.4 or more.

When I add tiger bloom nutrients to my water it lowers the pH alot, so my distilled water which is like 6.4 or so it goes down when I add the nutes so when i use the tap water 8.4? or so when I add the nutes to it it goes down to about 6.6-6.8 so I figured it would be better when I add the nutes to use the tap instead of distilled.

And I really think my problem has to do with too low pH causing nitrogen lockout but that's just what I've heard and what seems most likely.


Well-Known Member
Could very well be the ph, I just checked mine and it was the same so that could have been both our problems lol.. Who knows, I just watered with 5-1-1 fert after I got my ph "runoff water" down to 6.5-7.0 so I'll let you know if that helps me at all.

I would definitely try to stay around 6.8, from what I've read thats the best ph for absorbing nutes in soil..


Well-Known Member
ok after reading what you guys have said. i beleive the yellowing is from the ph being off. your ph strip are not precise and more than likely are for checking pools, witch is large amounts of water, really need a a ph pen. yellowing will come at the end of the plant lift cycle. these plants are not near that point.


Well-Known Member
here they are day 33



Active Member
the yellowing of the leaves isnt a big deal unless it gets reall bad...its natural for a couple to turn yellow...especially during flower...just depends on the strain


Well-Known Member
Im not really worried about it but the thing is that it started a while back like a week or two im not sure but its just been gradually getting worse to the point now where almost all the fan leaves are yellow or yelllow on the edges and some of the ones that are bad are even getting brown on the edges of them.