400w 3 plant scrog

I know that there are many variables as to what determines the yield you get on your plants but say that I have 3 plants in 3gal bags growing under a 400w hps with a 3-4 week veg growing in roots soil and the temperature stays between 70 and 82 degree all the time. From your guys previous experience how much could i yield from these plants? My scrog previously was done in a small cabinet under 226w of cfl. I got about 50g dried from that off a single plant.


Well-Known Member
You would need to veg them longer then 3-4 weeks, you want your SCROG to be 70-75% filled before you flip the lights, unless you grow some pure sativa then you want to fill the screen to about 55-65%.
Supposedly the seeds are "Ak47" im not sure how true that is but say they are, ak47 is mostly sativa if im not mistaken? can anyone confirm that?


Its none of my business where you got them, but if you want reliable, stable genetics then get them from a reputable source. Helps take some of the guess work out..