400hps in 3x2


Active Member
I had 2 harvests in my trailer, but niether of them were steller. The first time i cut wayy to early and the second time i grew a massive haze witch lost the right half when the light fell on it. So basically i still dont know how much a 400hps will yield if done corectly in a 3x2, and im getting tired of waiting! The haze actualy yielded around 200g, but it was finished with a 1000hps.
Also what will i yield if i put the 1000hps in the closet?? I know i can keep tempps down, i did with the haze
Ill be growing 6 indicas in 12" pots under one of the lights
+ rep to good answers!


Well-Known Member
take all your plants and get them ready for flower, hang the 1000 watt above them and put the others in a circle and vertically hang the 400 watt in the middle as close as you can get them without burning. Rotate them atleast once a day and youll see some amazing buds.....yield is something that nobody can accurately predict and id prefer not to try because there are way too many factors when growing.


Well-Known Member
The 400 is plenty for a 3x2 space. Using the 1000 will be a waste of electricity. Don't get me wrong, the more light the better... but the 400 will do the job perfectly... and it will use less electricity.


Well-Known Member
yes that is true, im always on the more light bandwagon to try and get the biggest, most dense buds possible but it probably is a little overkill for that space.


Well-Known Member
400W is more than enough for that space. An enhanced 400W is 55,000 lumens. That is almost 10,000 lumens per sq ft. Rockin. That is about the intensity of sulight!

A proper SOG in that space should yield an ounce a plant or better. 4 plants per sq ft can be done in a SOG. They have to be cropped right to fit in that space. Clones from the same mom helps so they are all similar in growth pattern. That's just about a pound by my math. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Cooling a 1000W in that space would be a bitch. Keeping my 400W cool in that amount of space is a challenge


Active Member
doogleaf, i believe 4x6 is 24 :) and their are 16oz in a pound, so that would be 1.5lbs, or around 700g :weed:. Is this really atainable with a 400hps? Could you fill me in more on sog. Because to fit 24 plants in a 3x2 area they would have to go in 3" pots and grow with just 3sqr inches, i would think this only leaves enough space for little more then one big cola


Well-Known Member
thats exactly right, one big cola. Thats how it works in theory but to pull an ounce of a single cola plant with a 400 watt light would be an amazing feat.


Well-Known Member
You're right. :dunce: 24 plants is the max in that area. You will probalbly not get quite that many due to other things taking up space but you get the idea. You can put 4 plants per sq ft in 6" pots. No veg time for clones. Just straight to flower.


Well-Known Member
Even if you got a very modest 1/2 oz per plant that is still 3/4 of a pound. And yes, a 400W will do this if cooled well enough to keep it 8-10" from tops.


Active Member
hmm, this is very good news :hug: ill have to do sog next time. Last time i put one plant in a 3x2 and let it get huge, so after this ill have a growfrom both sides of the spectrum