4000 watt 4xxl undercurrent in 10x12 grow shed pocs

image.jpeg image.jpeg Honey boo boo purples up with cold night temps and chiller dropped to 50 last week. Short and stumpy she may be but I think she is my favorite. smells amazing and overpowering, was causing my kids to choke and gag lol
So I'm pretty sure I cut too early but shit happens. Should have waited another week on the other three ladies after seeing the development I got on lower branches of honey boo boo. Next run will commence in 30 days as I retool and clean. I always forget how much work harvest and cleanup entails and actually look forward to this hectic bullshit lol. Thanks for looking at this run and for the good advice and knowledge throughout this whole site.i will be bringing samples to those lucky enough to be behind the green curtain.
So I'm pretty sure I cut too early but shit happens. Should have waited another week on the other three ladies after seeing the development I got on lower branches of honey boo boo. Next run will commence in 30 days as I retool and clean. I always forget how much work harvest and cleanup entails and actually look forward to this hectic bullshit lol. Thanks for looking at this run and for the good advice and knowledge throughout this whole site.i will be bringing samples to those lucky enough to be behind the green curtain.

Congrats, brother. Hope I'm one of the chosen few!