400 Watt HPS bagseed grow with PICS!


Active Member
Another week has gone by, these girls are finally starting to fatten up... the mutant that topped itself is going to be a week or maybe 2 behind the 5 headed monster i think


as always, commentary is welcome...and appreciated




Active Member
Definitely some different genetics in the 2 plants, the one with 2 tops appears to have a mucchh tighter bud profile and is about 10 days to 2 weeks behind the 5 headed monster

its been cold as F#&$ here for a little over a week now, had some temps in the upper 20's (28-30)*F on a few of the nights (daytime) but its still 73-75 with the lights on, im hoping this vast temp range wont cause a late stage hermie on me...or kill them
i have the roots wrapped in blankets and that temp is from base of stem, haven't watered since temps plummeted, temps should be up to atleast 40 in the next week or so i think they'll be fine

Also, finally got my fox farms nutes back except only at half strength, i have the big bloom but my buddy used all the tiger bloom

is the mix of .01-.3-.7 going to be effective as a bloom nute all by itself??

i will continue to use my high nitrogen (8-7-6) all purpose fert as well just because ive got some substantial leaf yellowing at the bottom

ENJOY........and all it takes to get +REPP




Active Member
Dude your plants look real good considering the lack of nutes.. Your grow goes to show that you do not have to spend a lot on nutrients to grow smoke for your self. Nice job.....PEACE


New Member
Looking good man, I have a sativa too I think, I've never grew one before, but it's a bag seed and is way behind my others.


Active Member
They both look indica dominant. Sativas continue to stretch for up to five weeks after flipping, and generally triple in size, while indicas only double (usually). When did they stop getting taller? I'll try to answer a few other questions I saw. You can bring hps as close as temps allow but do it slowly and watch for yellowing and burning. You can tell if a plant is root bound if the fan leaf stems near the top of the plant are real purpley. That could be from the growth stunting from other things but it's all about narrowing down the possibilities. A better way to tell is to just slide out the soil like you're transplanting and have a look at the roots themselves. Do it after you water a bunch.

They don't look small to me. Looks nice man. You're gonna have some dank smoke.


Active Member
well right about now im wishing id ordered a couple potent indica's cause im guessing theyd be chopped and drying right now....

but i didn't, and so im going into week 10 with new white hairs still bursting from the cola's

if anyone can tell from the low quality pictures, in the 3rd or the 6th pic, it just looks like a sh!t ton of leaves to me coming out of the cola's, is this due to the low quality ganja the seeds came from??

could this possibly be due to the big bloom i gave it a few days ago?? also added my all purpose 8-7-6 to the mix when i used to big bloom just to try and negate some of the leaf yellowing

the very last pic if the leaf drop/droop on the bigger one, there are so many, you can also see the green/purple contrast that is taking over my plant



Active Member
thanks man....6 weeks of veg and 9 weeks of flower soo right around almost 4 months...theyre are taking their sweet time too, i wouldn't be surprised if i had to let these go out to 14-15 weeks of flower, i pulled one a couple weeks early last fall and im not doing that again, im gonna let 80% of the trich's turn amber on these babies, i wanna be stuck on the couch for a while when i get done with an L-ski of this
haha, I hear ya brother. Well, if you took any cuttings of these plants I think you would find some more speedy blooms. 6 weeks of veg is enough for the plant to get mature enough to flower but you will always get larger stronger buds from older plants. If you were to veg it for, lets say, 12 weeks and then start your bloom you would have at least twice as much yield.

The obvious problem with that is you then get large plants that flower up to 6-8'... and who has the proper venue for such a grow? I certainly don't. One way around that is to take cuttings from your first plant and then when you veg those cuttings for 6 more weeks you've really taken them to 12 weeks (genetically your cuttings will be as old as the mother)... and then you get bigger, fatter, healthier buds without the giant plant size. I've got some cuttings I put to bloom that, as a clone, are only 1-2 months old but adding in the mother's age the genetics of the plant are more like 4-5 months. Makes for some nice mature flowers.

But anyways, I might be saying nothing you don't already know!
Oh, and to answer your question about the pics you posted previously... your blooms do look to be a bit leafy. They look like healthy blooms, though so I'm guessing the reasoning is mostly genetic.

Feeding the plant nutrients specific to leaf growth will indeed help the leaf growth but as long as you're cutting the light cycle down to a flowering ratio the plant should be producing buds. I apologize if you've already answered this question but what kind of seeds are you using?
If it was a snake it would have bit me.

Ok, so random bagseed. It's my opinion that if you're willing to put the time in to grow the right way (which it looks like you are) you don't want to waste that effort on poor genetics.

I recently came across a seed from some VERY nice genetics and working with it compared to the random seeds I have used in the past is like night and day!

Keep up the good work though, looks like you're on the right path.


Active Member
thats what i keep hoping, i wanna get all my stuff right, even now ive got a few things that aren't right on the money, namely the erratic temperatures, but id like to try a couple of strains with some solid genetics, going with like a skunk #1 or some of the old NL #5 and i know its a cliche name for all sorts of "dank" in the world but i wanna grow some white widow...that i KNOW IS white widow


Active Member
As you will see, one of the cola's in particular is freakishly leafy, im wondering if this is due to the big bloom i fed it, one of the pics you can see the bottom of the bud is not nearly as fat as the top and thats where the feeding occurred...

the one i thought was behind..was....but is now in front lol, i suppose its genetics dont deem it necessary to flower nearly as long as my quintuple headed beast...

not much in the way of commentary here, hope you enjoy..and i hope i dont have many more of these weekly updates before harvest!!!



Shit looks real good man, n it just goes to show the hardest thing bout growing is patience. Mine r takin foreva right now, keep postin pictures tho I like watching em grow


Active Member
thanks man, yea its wearing thin on my patience, it just makes me wanna order some full on indica's even more, just have like 8 of them flowered straight from seed, i feel like id be more encouraged if i was harvesting every 3 months as opposed to every 5-6, i smoke like crazy then i start running out and i have to start buying for a month or 2 then do it all over again, one day lol, i see alot of people on here that inspire me to be bigger and better


Active Member
So i took the advice of some guys on the 400watt thread and gave my girl a little trim job, thinned out the dead and lifeless-est leaves around the bottom and plucked a few of the abundant leaves flowing out of my colas and my girls resemble a flowering plant again, hopefully the calyx's will start to swell in the next few days

Still alot of white hair on the one girl for her to be in the middle of her 11th flowering week
*(since pistils showed not since 12/12)*




Active Member
:cuss:Soooo im still waiting on harvest time to roll around, one of them still appears weeks from done, im changing the light down to 10 hrs as of today to try and expedite the process

:leaf:I harvested the top 3" or so of the 2 cola plant, the trich's were >75% amber up there and what you'll see in one of the pics is the alternate buds that are now exposed, ill throw a pic or 2 up of the bud i cut when its good and dry

still open for commentary folks, anyone who wants a +rep just tell me how im doin, 'preciate it...here ya go :bigjoint:

