400 Watt HPS bagseed grow with PICS!


Active Member
So this is my 2nd go around still a noob i know but still yearning for knowledge so any of you who can drop some on me id be happy to +rep...

Got 5 gal containers for 2 of them and 1 in a 3 gal that i never transplanted, in 1 part peat moss 1 part perlite/vermiculite, and one part cactus/citrus soil

Nothing but an all-purpose 8-7-6 fert so far, ive got big bloom and tiger bloom at a buddies house ive just slacked too much to go get

I have a 4x2x5' tent in an Attic space right now, 400 watt hps (how far should i keep it from canopy??) as of rt now its about 12-18", heat is a non issue as the ambient temperatures are roughly 70-75 but drop to sub 50 at night :-/ (its an attic)

I run the lights during the night and have them off during the day to help with the nighttime lows, switched to 12/12 on Nov 10

In the 4th pic this one actually topped itself, anyone ever have that happen? as a seedling it never developed a strong growth tip but rather just began upward from the 2 growths at the first node

Is the one in the middle rootbound? idk how to tell but i just have a gut feeling it is, maybe its just the cold temps at night but it seems to be in a permanent drooping state, def not a water issue, something else is going on here....

And the leaf pic is def. some type of defeciency i believe, the hps light blurs out some of the pigment but i dont have a proper camera rt now, its yellowing in the middle of the leaf, definitely not a nitro def.


Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
It really depends on the reflector. Bat wing I kept at about 16". I now have an air cooled reflector with tempered glass and keep that at about 10". You have to find what works for you. If you have it too close and there is a growth spurt you could be flirting with disaster. If it is uncomfortable to keep your hands there for 10 seconds it will be uncomfortable for the plants.


Active Member
thank ya, its a batwing, id say its about 22"x16"....any ideas on the downward turning leaves, it looks kinda like heatstress to me but its not very hot at all, i mean i could leave my hand above them all day comfortably, i had an outdoor last year and the leaves perpetually reached up for the sun, just a worried parent lol


bud bootlegger
i would say go and get that fox farms nutes.. you plant will love you for it.. to check for rootbound, let the plant dry out some, and tip her over gently on your hands... you may have to tap a lil on the bottom of the container to get her out... don't disturb anything if at all possible... just look at the roots that you have on the bottom.. you will be able to tell if they are rb fairly easily.. they will all be circiling around where the bottom of the pot would be.. with the threee gallon pot i think you should be ok though, and not have too much to worry about .... i think it maybe more of a temp thing though... 50 is a lil on the low side of things, and this will definitely stunt the growth some... it sounds like you are doing everything right though to raise them.. ie, running the lamps at night, etc.. you could try to get a lil space heater or something up there to help you out with temps too.. i've also heard of running like a regular incadescent bulb in the grow to help temps climb a little too, but i am not sure how well this works as i have never tried it, but i don't see how it would hurt much of anything..
other than the one looking a lil droopy, they all look pretty nice...


Active Member
As i stated, today marks the 4th week of flowering, is it me or is this bud development pretty weak?? im guessing my fox farm would fatten these up a little quicker than the hardly anything they're getting now?

All replies welcome, critiquing is great, but leave your negativity at the door!

(none here yet, just a preemptive strike for those aiming to waste my time)




Well-Known Member
Don't sweat it bro...mine arent fattening up that much either...they usually fatten up at the last two weeks of budding cycle...patience

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
What's your ph of your liquids? Maybe you have a nute lockup? Your temps dropping into the fifties also slows the growth of your girls. If you have the electric and the money, I suggest an oil filled electric radiator. You can get one fairly cheap at home depot, under fifty bucks or seventy five for one you can set a temp you want and not worry. These things only get warm, not hot, but they give off a steady warmth.

You also should get rid of that high nitrogen fertilizer if you are flowering. You can also give your girls molasses, grandma's unshulphured. You can usually find it next to the pancake syrup. It's the secret ingredient in many a bloom booster. One tablespoon per gallon of water. It can also be mixed right in with you tiger and big bloom.


Well-Known Member
What's your ph of your liquids? Maybe you have a nute lockup? Your temps dropping into the fifties also slows the growth of your girls. If you have the electric and the money, I suggest an oil filled electric radiator. You can get one fairly cheap at home depot, under fifty bucks or seventy five for one you can set a temp you want and not worry. These things only get warm, not hot, but they give off a steady warmth.
so i have a question pertaining to pH lockup...if I flush with pH'd water, will this alleviate lockup?

Also, it's impossible for me to move my resevoir to flush it...what if I just continually add straight pH'd water to the res as the girls drink up the water...this is essentially diluting the nutrient solution, right? and then gradually add the flower nutes? Advice please!!!


Active Member
Never Ph'd anything, i was reading some thread today about it and it got me thinking that could def. be an issue, i use to use atleast filtered water but since i transplanted i quit cause it was such a hastle to filter that much h2o, anyone recommend the cheapest worthwhile ph meter?? and i will have to look into one of these oil radiators as well as winter has only just begun and im sure ive not seen the lowest of lows

also would one of those radiators be condusive do being plugged into a timer, such as to have it turn on when my lights go off? im pretty comfortable with the 72-76 temps with the lights on, its just the cold nights i dont want my girls to get chilled


Active Member
So its been a week, they're still going slow compared to what i had outdoors this season, but they're starting to thicken up for the first time....im still slacking and haven't gotten the FF nutes yet... and the troubled one in the middle came to be a male:cuss:...... so he was removed and my two ladies are soaking up the extra light! thats all...

All comments and critiques welcome, any good advice always worth a +rep!:bigjoint:


hey i started my grow a couple days ago and the seeds are sprouting great. would it help to use like a 250watt halogen light for like a week about 2 or 3 feet above the plant after the first set of leaves before turning on the hps lights?? im a new grower just wantin to do it correct the first time


Active Member
im not quite sure what type of light your big halogen would be putting out, but if you have hps i would just go ahead and use that, i try to use cfl's for the first week or 2 of the seedlings life along with a 24/0 lighting schedule and then i switch to my HID lighting and drop the lighting down to 18/6, you'll want to keep the humidity relatively high early on as well, i just cut the tops off bottles and fit them around the plant as little mini individual humi-domes...good luck to you in your endeavors
if im just using hps lights would it be safe if it go ahead and turn them on and keep at like 2 feet away? then, move it down to between 18-30 within a week or two?


Active Member
yep, the wattage will determine how far away you need to keep the lights, when i had my 150's i kept them around 5-10" from the tops, now with my 400 i stay around a foot to 15"...these plants are waay tougher than youll wanna give them credit for for sure, the hps wont hurt'm


Active Member
gracias OGK! and deezy, what wattage hps are you using, i use cfl on my sprouts for roughly a week then introduce the HPS to my garden at about 2' then lower it day by day until its an optimal distance from my canopy (or canopy-to-be)

I thought about it after i started this thread and i wish id just made a journal, maybe next time around ill go for that but as is im just gonna update with pics once or twice a week all the way through flowering, i checked on them this morning and they are definitely hitting their first swell stage, im looking forward to my first 4/20 with homegrown smoke!!

these are from the same bagseed i grew this past summer and though i put it out late it flowered for 12 weeks and still wasn't quite done when i finally had to chop due to inclement weather so im lookin at probably 14+ weeks of flowering on these sativa's

i plan on doing a partial harvest as well since ive got a littl stair-stepping with my colas, ill chop the tops and go back a few weeks later after the popcorn has fattened up and get the rest of it


Active Member
yet another week has gone by, still no nutes for my girls, they're begging me and i just haven't listened yet, leaves are starting to yellow on the 2 cola girl, will be getting my fox farm out of storage asap....buds are starting to thicken, i believe im in for a long flowering time though as they aren't very large for 6 weeks, oh well, ive got nothing but time....

comments are more than welcome, advice always worth a +rep!!

ENJOY!! :weed:



Active Member
Im jw if the leaves nearer the bottom of the plant on the left should be mildly drooping as they are (you can see best in 2nd pic of week 5 [top of page])

the leaves at the top stand proud like what im used to/what i think is proper, im jw if this is a light penetration issue, a lack of airflow and/or an h2O problem

any advice is welcome, dont be shy people, i WANT you to comment :cry:


gracias senor's and senorita's :joint: