400 watt DIY Tent AK-47 Soil


Well-Known Member
Hello RIU folks, i been watching and reading these threads for years and now just recently have gotten legal, and decided to start some growing :D.
So anyways i started this grow out with 4 clones, and so far they are a week from rooted clones and have doubled in size :D, im currently using a 400 mh and will be using a hps for my flowerin, oh btw this is my first real grow like, put money into and care about very much :D, but anyways, im going to be using scrog since my tent is only like 2.75 ftx2ftx4ft so a little limited on space lol but anyways heres some picks tell me what ya think and please no haterz :/ will be updating weekly im building the training screen tonight



Well-Known Member
hey man all looking good to me.

lucky you starting with clones good least you know you got bitch's haha


Well-Known Member
i know right lol, im doing another micro grow in a mini tent with cfls with some dank ass bagseeds i had tho too, guna try to 12/12 from seed with em :P but thanks for the input and dropping in :D


Well-Known Member
ahh no worries mate makes it all that more fun when ya can come here an get advice an show ya setup up an bud porn off haha.

good luck mate.


Well-Known Member
aww cheers mate i try lol.

i have had a couple goes at hydro over the yrs this is also the most time and money i have spent on a setup mate


Well-Known Member
yea i know how that is, i did a crapshoot cfl grow in my closet, but i had a few guarilla kinda grows outside, that was pretty decent, but i just watered really didnt do much of anything it was nice, but this is the most money i have really put into any kind of hobby/interest, and btw i am a legal medical marihuana patient in michigan it works great for my knees and back love da meds :D

heres a little update just finished the screen !!!! tip er somethin xD....sorry kinda ripped took a few onies of pineapple tangerin o.o



Well-Known Member
so many views and only a few replys :/, btw i forget to mention even at the beginin, im using FFOF, with some perlite and GH 3 part nutrients, these clones have been rooted for oh i would say a week and a half and have been vegging for not even a week, so their around 2-3 weeks old :D cant wait to start filling that screen tho lol any comments...conversation anything any questions about my setup thanks happy growing :D


Well-Known Member
well just planted 6 more bagseeds 4 danks that i had, and 2 randoms a buddy gave me, so hopefully i get atleast 1 sexy lil girl :D


Well-Known Member
ok well just got home from my day to day stuff with the family, got back and it looks like the little girls grow almost an inch over the last like 12 hours! three of them are already almost to the top of the screen, so hopefully training will start sometime this week, and just explode with growth :D might start on nutes this week, ive read that FFOF feeds for like 3 weeks but their neering 2 weeks in that soil so i think im going to go ahead with a 1/4th strength, the babys are even startin to smell skunky already!!! but ill show in some of them pics i took tommorow but their is a stragler :( might test her out in my little cab if one doesnt come through and just put her under 12/12???? what do you guys think its a female so hopefully? i also topped on of them earlier at the 5th node so hopefully get lotsa juicy colas to fill my screen up with >:)....

well thanks everyone that has stoped by and atleast read my jurnal i know it isnt very much right now, but hopefully going perpetual and hopefully get some pud porn here in the next month, thanks again any suggestions or anything will help alot :D


Well-Known Member
well imma wait a bit, their not doing much just growing atm, but thanks about the screen so easy cost me like 8 or 9 bucks :0 but will be getting pictures maybe today, or tommorow, i hope those litle girls sprout soon >.<


Well-Known Member
the pix dont have to be just bud porn dude. we like seeing them grow from start to finish. that way we can see how fast that strain grows and stuff like that. keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
lol yea thats what i like to do is watch them grow, but i didnt thenk everyone else did x.x lol misconseption but im updating with some picks here in a few minutes gave them a 1/4 str nutes didnt faze them at all im going to bump it up to 1/2 dose on the next feeding, but two of them are hitting the screen, the others are more just bushing out, it doesnt make sense kinda cuz they all got topped at the same time so...idk lol ill show some pics here in a minute and some pics of the seedlings :D 4 out of 6 sprouted, hoping for 1 female going 12/12 from seed with those sense i only have small amount of spcae...lol


Well-Known Member
the more pix you post the more likely people are going to want to tag along for your grow. i try to do weekly updates on all my plants, but lately its just been what i got flowering.


Well-Known Member
2.jpg3.jpg4.jpgok sorry for no updates guys >.< well i got a few pics, my camera is busted cuz sense these pics were taken they have grown threw the scren a bit hopfully i can get some pics later


Well-Known Member
ok heres quick update, as you can see form some of the pics their going threw the screen and i have started to rearange under it lol, watered today, and i seem to be having a problem with the seedlings stretching, but the T12's are about 1 and a half inches away so idk :( maybe sativa doms? anyways here ya go, 2 weeks into veg from very very little clones lol

