400 Watt Cabinet Grow, Intro


Well-Known Member
Hey H,
I noticed in another thread you commented on how to tie down using bags.I've been using string and safety pins....the safety pins go right through the fabric easily and can be moved around as needed. I attach them around the top edge of the bags.
Not sure if you picked a good forum to start a journal in....doesn't seem like a lot of traffic comes through here like some of the others.




Well-Known Member
For some reason I thought you were using smart pots (fabric bags)......LoL. I must have been stoned ...



Well-Known Member
Today I had some fun tying down the BDH twins. They're even height with the indicas now. Not much to report on other than that, everyone is looking happy and productive. Camera's dead and it's almost lights out anyway so pictures tomorrow.

@Low - Had to go to nearest hydro store and they didn't have smart pots. I was originally intending to get them but all these guys had were the plastic grow bags. There was no time for me to go to another store at the time so this is what I ended up with. I wanted to try something else out besides pots and I got the shit end of the stick with this choice.


Well-Known Member
All the tying down I've done yesterday has been well received and the haze sisters' tops are now at attention. The canopy is looking awesome:weed: and it's pretty much even now. I've managed to fill up this space pretty efficiently so far and looking foward to the rest of the round.



Active Member
Nice setup Howzer. Your plants are looking great! I have a cabinet very similar to yours. What are your dimensions if you don't mind?

kali man

oooh...I like the set up and the strains you are runnin'...can't wait to see your dried harvest...looks better than mine...