400 hps Scrog flowering


Well-Known Member
i reading through your journal last night and saw that..and the pics of the tent.
looks real nice..youre going to get some great results with that 600w
do you have any ideas of how you plan on growing in there? maybe scrog?;-)

oh yeah, btw nice avatar


Well-Known Member
Thanks!!!! I am pretty happy with the results so far... good tent...

I like scrog... but I hate a bunch of crap in my way... and I play with my plants way too often to have them growing through a screen.... I'd break one a day...lol...

LST... I think I will keep doing that... at least for now... it gives ma a chance to spend that much more time with the plants, re-tying and such...

But I think I may even let them get a bit taller on me...

In a 36" x 20" floorspace, and 60" high (35" from the light to the trays), I believe the 600 will allow me to have 20" to 30" plants, going straight up...

I guess I will have to figure out what is too crowded for the space... but it looks like I can have 4 per tray (4 trays) if I let them go up...

I can totally see 16 lollypops, Al B. Fuct SOG style in there though... 4 trays, 2 weeks apart = perpetual harvest... I don't know...

Kicks ass though... 70F to 75F with the lights 10 inches away from the tops... that is impressive...

Anyways.. enough rambling...

Cheers Mate....



Well-Known Member
yeah scrog definately isnt perpetual and isnt for everyone or every grow
i think scrog is easier than LST just for the fact that you dont have to tie and retie branches constantly..just set the screen and push the tops back down and over to the next whole every few days
whatever you decide on youll get good results im sure, especially with the light at 10 inches..but the key is to make it fun:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Sure man...

Part of why I love LST is the time I have to spend re-tying everyday... gives me some real hands on time with the plants....

My miniatures started with 3 times a day re tie... but I have not touched them in a while... once they set, they stay...

I love the light... I am not sure if I love the light or the cooltube more... but they rock together....

and don't worry ... I am all bout the having fun part...

JG, you're great... thanks for sharing your world with us...

Best wishes...



Well-Known Member
heres this one..looking and smelling nice

the rest of the afghooie

decided to take her screen off

the nugs i cut the other day felt dry on the outside so i took them out of the closet, manicured them, and put them in a paper bag where theyll stay until dry, then into jars for curing


Well-Known Member
yeah unfortunately i have to quit growing until i graduate and move out of here
then ill have to get my light and setup a grow room..maybe try my hand at cloning and getting a perpetual harvest

i would like to grow outdoors but i dont know of any good spots
and the people around here are hunters and rednecks and spend lots of time in the woods
im kind of sketched about the idea of carrying a plant into the woods with a shovel and bag of dirt..but im going to see if i cant make something happen until i can get back indoors


Well-Known Member
Man I wish I had some of those nugs right now, my towns been pretty dry for about 1.5 months, but the last 2 weeks have been the worst, not even any schwagg around. rrrrrrrr this shit is getting old!!!


Well-Known Member
my scale came in today
the nugs drying in the bag weighed out to 16gs but they still have some moisture in them

thundercat i feel your pain man..its been the exact same here
as much as i dont want to, im going to smoke another nug, relax, and enjoy my high
its been a cold rainy shitty day so ive got to turn it around with some homegrown:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you should have a decent night ahead of you bro. I wish I could say I was gonna do the same, but I've been making calls for a week now, and nothing. This whole election thing is bullshit, lol so is the whole prohibition thing. Seems like any time its election time things go dry.


Well-Known Member
The afgoonie looks just great man hope the harvest goes well. And the "other" looks like she is getting some good crystal coverage there in the middle, and she has definitely started to bulk up. hehe are you givin her steroids, come on now shes not a pro-athlete lol.