40% Amber Trichomes

Brick Top

New Member
I think what he's saying is that if they're all cloudy when you harvest and the effect is too "light" then you should pick a different strain that gives what your looking for instead of harvesting late. Not trying to be an ass so sorry if it seems that way I just think this is the best lesson that could be learned about when to harvest. But again...it's all a matter of personal preference.

It is a matter of personal preference. But then someone who says that about their choice could just be searching for a way to justify doing something inane to attempt to make up for an error when making an earlier choice.

Someone could purchase a McLaren F1 or a Bugatti Veyron and find their car to be too powerful and to fast and have it de-tuned so it would seem more like something they would be more comfortable with. But it sort of defies logic to purchase an ultimate supercar and then attempt to domesticate it and to tame it.

I could not begin to guess how many times over the years I have read threads where people picked a strain saying they wanted major THC and the strain claimed a high level of THC, but then they threw away THC by waiting for large amounts of amber trichomes. Doing so tells you that THC was not of as major importance as they had said. What they really wanted would come from a combination of CBD and certain terpenoids, not THC. But that was not factored into their decision making process.

Instead a strain that won a Cup, even though it likely did not win through merit and because of that winning a Cup has become a big joke, or some flavor of the month strain that a gagillion bubble-gummers were going on and on about at the time the person was making their choice was picked rather than picking a strain that would have been a far better choice and given them what they wanted without having to try to alter it to meet their likes by attempting to play cannabinoid and terpenoid alchemist and de-tuning what the strains genetics were intended to give.

But they can always justify both their strain choice and de-tuning their crop by simply saying it is all nothing more than a matter of personal preference.


I would chop it with 40% amber. I've grown Nirvana Northern Lights twice. First time I harvested at 10 weeks flower with a little more than 50% amber. The high was alright, but nothing spectacular. Next time I harvested at 8 weeks flower and it was some of the best bud I've smoked.


Well-Known Member
^^^ this. The more amber there is the less potent the final product. There is a really good article in the november issue of high times with pics that explains exactly this, in more detail.
less potent no... just dif chemicals at work. less thc heady high more cbd and others for couchlock...


Scientia Cannabis
I doubt your analysis. PICS
Listen rock.

Everything Brick Top said is based on experience and fact.
I'm not going to argue the case since he already has explained why and how.

The fact that you think CBD and "other chemicals" (as you said) are the substances giving the couch-lock high just proves that you do not know what you're talking about.
There is way too much misinformation on these forums, some people are trying to clear that up (incl. Brick Top).

Please don't take this as a personal attack, it's nothing like that.
I'm merely trying to get the record set straight so newbies reading this won't get confused.


Well-Known Member
50% amber means a lot of THC has degraded and become CBN, which is only mildly psychoactive and causes confusion, and drowsiness, not a true high or a true stone.

But what the heck, go for whatever floats your boat, even if that is substantially decreased potency.

it's spelled out clearly here..... CBN . CBN. CBN. not CBD. sure your trichs will degrade into cbd also, but when your picking at 50 percent amber.. you haven't taken into account that without the utmost care and cure ( even with it) the THC is going to be breaking down as it sits in the jar
IME ... even stored in the dark, and airtight you still get that breakdown into CBN. I know the end of my jars are almost unbearable for me as the stone just incapacitates me
anyways ... the couchlock is caused by the CBN stoners ...I don't know how many times/if it's been stated in this thread, but pick whenever you like. But CBN is what we need to be holding responsible for couchlock. CBN i'll add as great therapeutic properties still being researched ...
so pick whenever you'd like!!!
for your health !!!


Active Member
This is such a helpful thread! Sticky worth already IMO. I never thought about the degredation in the THC AFTER harvest. It there a correlation between the c

Brick Top thanks for the clarification!


Well-Known Member
it's spelled out clearly here..... CBN . CBN. CBN. not CBD. sure your trichs will degrade into cbd also, but when your picking at 50 percent amber.. you haven't taken into account that without the utmost care and cure ( even with it) the THC is going to be breaking down as it sits in the jar
IME ... even stored in the dark, and airtight you still get that breakdown into CBN. I know the end of my jars are almost unbearable for me as the stone just incapacitates me
anyways ... the couchlock is caused by the CBN stoners ...I don't know how many times/if it's been stated in this thread, but pick whenever you like. But CBN is what we need to be holding responsible for couchlock. CBN i'll add as great therapeutic properties still being researched ...
so pick whenever you'd like!!!
for your health !!!
Hey bro don't mean to hijack but I have a bubble gummer and lemmon skunk both been following for 74days I read the bubble gummer takes 7/8weeks n Lemmon skunk 8/9 so when I should chop her


Well-Known Member
If someone wants more couchlock they should purchase a strain or strains that will give them that when harvested at peak potency rather than attempting to alter the stone a strain's genetics will give by harvesting late. Throwing away THC by intentionally allowing it to oxidize and become CBN so there is less of a high and there is increased drowsiness and confusion is not the way to get a real true stone. If a strain does not supply someone with enough of a stone when harvested at peak potency, then the person picked the wrong strain to grow.
I have been trying to tell people this for years, mostly to no avail, including those who rave about my weed, which is the same as their weed other than when I pick it, and a little on how I dry and cure it. I don't have any special secret recipe in my soil or anything, it's about timing the harvest, the dry and cure are more for taste/refinement, the timing of the harvest is the most important part of the grow, letting it go longer to gain weight is a commercial growing practice (stupid one at that since the product becomes worse). If you want couch lock, grow couch lock strains, if you want up grow those strains, but harvest them when the trichs are all cloudy. I let mine go until I see a few, maybe 3-5% maximum amber, at that point I know the plant has peak THC production for that strain/grow.