4 weeks old......


Active Member
I have been growin my blueberry seed for 4 weeks and its like 8inches tall. with some leaves but how long do i leave the light on for 24hours. and i water it only in the morning with bottled water. what else do i do? my friend told me to spray a mist of water on the leaves is that good. all the leaves are still green. HELP please


Active Member
These are pictures of my plant..........
i have it in a bucket. with a plant light thats got a green tint but i have been reading i should be using a blueish tone. please tell me what to do because i started this in the begining of december. and i really want it to work so bad. Is it tru if i use blueberry juice with water it will have more blueberry taste, or if i add food coloring it will change colors. THANKS
