4 weeks into flowering, Question?


Active Member
hi guys

im almost 4 weeks into flowering now and im loosing alot of leaves. first they go yellow then brown and cripsy at the ends. i know you should loose some leaves during flowering but is this amount usual? c pic 1 is b4 flowering, the other 2 are at 4weeks.

i would say nearly all the fan leaves have died now and there is still 4 weeks left to go....

R my girls ok?



Active Member
hmm, i dont think u should loose that many...how much nutes are you giving them....possibly nute burn??? whats the temp like in there???


Well-Known Member
Leaves get like that in flowering because of low or no N.

Try adding some N in your next feeding and maybe again @ next feeding after. Hopefully that will clear it up or stop any further yellowing.


Well-Known Member
Judging from the pics of your "Friend's" plants it looks like they are eating themselves to death from the bottom up because of low nutes. Get a ppm tester, and give 'em what they need to stop the yellows on the bottom in order to make new at the tops.


Active Member
I got the same problem.My ladies are 5 weeks + into flowering now, but in week 4 i flushed them , then feeding them with tap water and plant food. Be carefull don`t let the tap water to stay overnight cose it may be rasing PH level. You could have a PH problem, mine is higher than it should be, i don`t have a PH down right now.Even if you feed your plants with nutes, if PH is to high , they cannot assimilate the food.Flushing with a equilibrated PH level is good before you take any actions.Is like a reset to the routes.But your problem is nothing realy serious if you dont abuse with water or food .Fan leaves can turn yelow sooner also because your plants are makeing buds in a higher rate , so it could be normal in week 4 to yelow and dry


Well-Known Member
Leaves get like that in flowering because of low or no N.

Try adding some N in your next feeding and maybe again @ next feeding after. Hopefully that will clear it up or stop any further yellowing.
bingo...people tend to forget that during the first 3-4 weeks of flowering they go through the "stretch" and it should still be getting grow nutes until the stretch ends being that nitrogen is what promotes growth and helps keep it green.start slowly adding in bloom nutes after the stretch ends then finish off with bloom nutes...yellowing and dying leaves is not normal at anytime in the plants life...might lose a couple here and there at most and thats because that leaf as given all it can to the plant and is no longer needed
I had this same prob . Not so long ago . And the way I fixed it was add 1/4 strength veg nuties as well as ur bloom . Till the leaves start growing more and the yellowing stops . Then just finsh off with the bloom . My girls pick up in about a week . Good luck


Active Member
i think this is a case of over feed (nute burn) but cld also be lack of N....try adding like 2-3 ml of grow for a week shld help and if u dnt see a change then i suggest u flush...also looks like u got temp issues


Well-Known Member
too much potassium and phosphorous and not enought nitrogen. its causing the plants to eat themselves from the bottom up to produce more buds.

hit them with a done of Nitrogen next watering, the watering after that go with straight fresh, clean water to flush the soil out. this should help alot.


Active Member
I use flora nova grow for veg and bloom for flowering. When I turn my lights to 12/12 I give them oneness by Humbolt nutrients (it's supposedly good for veg and flower) for 2 weeks so they get N P and K. The other guys are correct in saying it's an N def.