4 weeks in... whats your opinion?


Active Member
Hi, everyone, I germinated some seeds that I got from a pressed piece of what they call around here skunk, but Im not sure if its the real deal, anyways, I planted about 7 seedling, but only one has survived :S :( and it seems that its doing ok,
Im growing this one, just as an experiment, to see how viable its to make a future crop in my enviroment, I would like eveyones opinion on this plant, if it looks healthy to you, and if you have any comments or sugestions I woul really appreciate it.

This is a pic of the second week form germination

And the second pic is up to date 4 weeks from germination



Active Member
Hi, everyone, I germinated some seeds that I got from a pressed piece of what they call around here skunk, but Im not sure if its the real deal, anyways, I planted about 7 seedling, but only one has survived :S :( and it seems that its doing ok,
Im growing this one, just as an experiment, to see how viable its to make a future crop in my enviroment, I would like eveyones opinion on this plant, if it looks healthy to you, and if you have any comments or sugestions I woul really appreciate it.

This is a pic of the second week form germination

And the second pic is up to date 4 weeks from germination
mm I highly doubt that if it was skunk it would have been pressed and yes your plant looks to be lacking something from its environment. It should me much bigger by the 4th week. need more info lights soil airflow??


Active Member
well around here everything gets pressed even sinsemilla dro :S and what you can get normally its reaaaaaally bad ... thats why I want to start growing my own...

and about the light I live in an apartment, so in the morning I put it on the side of my apartment that gets the morning sunlight, then at the afternoon I put it on the other side to get the afternoon sunlight and I leave it there till the next morning so its kinda on a 14/10.
The soil its what they call here at the local store "pre-fertilized compost" and its what Ive used every other noncanabis plant Ive ever grown.
The airflow is pretty constant and sometimes kind of heavy, keep in mind I live on a 10th floor.
I would really like to succed on this growing experience so in the near future Id be able to make an 8 plant crop on my rooftop


Active Member
this is the 4th week pic, I saw your 10 day plant pic on your first grow post journal, and I think mine its bigger, the other pic I posted earlier its from the 1st week


Well-Known Member
start giving them some nutes weed loves nitrogen/ashes and get some goddamn CFL's or HID or HPS the sunlight aint enough if you ever want these things to flower


Well-Known Member
yeah if you live in an apartment..i would sugest growing indoors..even though i love outdoors, it seems like you plants arnt getting enough direct sunlight..also if they do grow big on your balcony you have to be careful of your neibors seeing from there balconys and people from street level seeing it..they get pretty damn big


Active Member
Ill try to find alternate light sources to make me an indoor closet ggrow box, what setting would you recomend for a beginner? any post you recommend me to follow? , ill update when anything major happens