4 weeks flowering when to flush

bean town

Active Member
two things first im 4 weeks into flowering when should i start to flush and how many time do you flush every time you water?? second whats this about molasses and how does it work if it dose how do you use it
:rolleyes: thanks


Well-Known Member
if you're going to use molasses. het humbolyt honey es and start right away. folloe the directions exactly as the bottle says on the side. and as far as when to flush, going to have to give more info. is it a sativa or indica? usuall around week 8-9 i flush. use final phase by advanced nutrients. flush 1 time. i use the directions also in this case and use the flush solution. wait 6 hours and flush with 4-5 gallons of water. wait 10-14 days


Well-Known Member
if you're going to use molasses. het humbolyt honey es and start right away. folloe the directions exactly as the bottle says on the side. and as far as when to flush, going to have to give more info. is it a sativa or indica? usuall around week 8-9 i flush. use final phase by advanced nutrients. flush 1 time. i use the directions also in this case and use the flush solution. wait 6 hours and flush with 4-5 gallons of water. wait 10-14 days:twisted:


Well-Known Member
flush the last week or two of flowering... assuming its an 8 week strain do it during week 7 and 8... 7 to 10 days is plenty.. flush with 2x the amount of water as the size of your pot... so if you have a 3 gallon pot use 6 gallons of water.. do this every day during the duration of the flushing period...

molasses does a couple things...
1) it feeds the beneficial microbes in the soil...
2) it helps increase resin production
3) it adds flavor and increases aroma to/in the buds

use it throughout the entire flowering period... 1 tsp of molasses per gallon of water... use it even during the flush so your plant has a little something to eat.... make sure it is unsulfered molasses though...

bean town

Active Member
so what your saying is flush everytime i need to water of my last two weeks of flowering and the molasses how would that work if im flushing?


Well-Known Member
im saying flush everyday for at least 7 days.... so if you have a 3 gallon pot, and you flush with 6 gallons of water, you would flush with a total of 42 gallons of water...

if you use the molasses during the flushing add it in to the last batch of water you flush with each time you flush... so it you are using a 1 gallon watering can it would be the 6th gallon of water you would add the molasses too...


Well-Known Member
I flush 1 time and water with a gallon a few days after and my buds are phat, tasty as hell so you dont have to flush with all that water bro./ save ur self the trouble. If u break off a bang leaf and taste the end of it. If it taste like bitter nutrients, flush again. If it taste like nothing, you're good man.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that sounds like a lot of flushing to do it everyday for a week. In the final week, I'll flush once or twice depending how dry the soil gets and I like the soil fairly dry the day I harvest. Never had any problem with the final product burning or tasting chemical.


Well-Known Member
yeah def. DON'T flush double your pot size DAILY..... flush for the last week or two of flowering and follow your regular watering schedule but once it runs out the bottom of your pot pour more thru so it "flushes" the soil.


Well-Known Member
i flush in the last 2 weeks till the water pours out of the bottom and you can see bits of soil in it do this once every 3-4 days :)