4 weeks flowering. i dont want her to die


Well-Known Member
okay guys this girls in her 4th week of flower under 200w of cfl's. growing in MG soil with nutes of 10-15-10. i didnt have any problem during the month of veg and than it was braught to the basment for flower. temps are any where from 61F-70 night and 70-80 in the day. it started getting these dots on the leaves about 2 weeks of being in the basement. its gotten worse sense mainly on the ones closest to the bud:wall::? i really dont think its spider mites.... i cant see any kind of webs or any signs of the bitches



No i don't think you have mites either.

have you tried stopping or reducing nutes for a couple of days & just feeding ph'd water at room temp?

whats the humidity range?


Well-Known Member
i have not stopped nutes i watered once with just water and it didnt seem to help but ill try it for a couple waterings ant the humidity is only 20% i cant seem to get it any higher in my tent


Well-Known Member
idk if it'll help but it also seems to be effecting the newer leaves closest to the buds very few signs of the same promblem on older larger leaves