4 Week old plant. How does it look?


Active Member
Just wondering how this looks for it's age. It's almost 4 weeks old in a 6" pot? The yellow is from where it got heat stressed a week or so ago. It seems to be bouncing back ok.


Active Member
I thought it might be too. It got heat stressed when it was a couple weeks old, but its grown alot since then. I posted a pic when it was heat stressed and the concensus was that it was probably going to be stunted.
I overwatered the first two weeks, im sure. The past two weeks I have been watering every few days after reading how to check the soil by weight and dryness.


Active Member
looks rough
You should have seen it two weeks ago...lol
It got heat stressed really bad, and I was sure it would die. Got my fans sorted out and it's starting to get lots of little green shoots. First grow, so I'm having a helluva time learning to be patient and not overdo it. Haha!


Well-Known Member
In the future if you like to obsessively water your plants always try and keep them in smaller pots to allow the dry/wet cycle to go faster, and then keep up-potting the plant accordingly to how much root growth there is...generally every two weeks transplant to a bigger pot. Also, NO nutrients during veg! Most soils come with enough to sustain a plant for at least a month maybe more...Good luck


Active Member
In the future if you like to obsessively water your plants always try and keep them in smaller pots to allow the dry/wet cycle to go faster, and then keep up-potting the plant accordingly to how much root growth there is...generally every two weeks transplant to a bigger pot. Also, NO nutrients during veg! Most soils come with enough to sustain a plant for at least a month maybe more...Good luck
Good advice! Thanks man.


Active Member
I just asked my wife and I started growing this around New Year's, so that makes it a little less than three weeks old. makes me feel better about its smaller size!