4 strains; 3 weeks into vegging. I need some help.


I came to this site initially because I've decided to try indoor since I've been doing outdoor for some time. I guess I gave mother nature too much credit for her abilities because I'm now having some issues. lol

Anyway, as I mentioned, there are 4 strains, and they are 3 weeks old in FF Ocean Blend soil. They are under my 'vegging' 400w 6,500K T5 lamp. I was watering them every 3 days with distilled water.

I thought I may have over-watered them, or possibly the soil was too strong? Everything was alright until this week. Any input is appreciated. Thank you.


F.A Hayek

Active Member
There's some gnarly drooping going on right there, definitely stop over watering. At least wait until the first 2" of top soil is dry. They also look like they're stretching, so you'll want to move your lights closer if possible. Those yellowing leaves don't look too healthy either, which could indicate a pH problem ( most probably nitrogen lockout ).


Thanks much. I have many gallon jugs of water (I have a ton of houseplants). I may have fed 'em tap water without knowing, so there could be a pH issue. :-X


Ironically, they were under-watered. I know over and under have similar characteristics, but it's usually over-watering.

I experimented with two of the strains and watered them about 5 hours ago. They look much better now.
