4 Strains 14 Plants Indoor Grow


I am growing 4 different strains, Blackberry , Ice , AK-48 and Master Kush. I have 14 plants currently in veg stage and waiting on 8 more seeds to germinate. Gonna be a good christmas if all goes well.

I am veging under two 250watt metal hallides and a few 6500k CFL's. I will be usuing a 400watt and 600watt hps for flowering.

Usuing Age Old Grow organic nutes and Superthrive for veg, and will be usuing Advanced Nutrients Sensi A and B for flowering.

Usuing a 18/6 light schedule for vegging and a 11/13 light schedule for flowering.

Growing in FFOF soil with added perlite for drainage.

Currently i have 8 seeds waiting to sprout, 3 plants at 1 week veg, 7 plants at 3 weeks veg, and 4 plants at 7 weeks veg.

Subscribe To follow my grow and your thoughts are appreciated


Here is a few of the oldest ladies when i started them. They are now between 6 and 7 weeks veg..i had some drooping problems due to high heat from 24/0 light schedule but has since been corrected with a 18/6 and cooler temps during light and dark periods.



These are pics of the drooping issues i was having...poor girls..They are ok now and perky and growing healthy...slowed me down a couple weeks and had a few leaves drop but no plants died and all seems well again. More photos of current plants tonight when lights come on....stay tuned :)


