4 Pounds

you mean not turn off when the controller says shut down?

Fuck thats scary

You would think the makers should be charged with manslaughter in the event that anything ever happens

thats some serious shit

I have a growzone 17cubic feet of CO2 per hour generator... I don't want my house to blow up

I'm not saying he "is" going to hit 2GPW. Especially for a first grow
I'm just saying it "Is Possible" if you do everything right... take a look at Heath Robinson
...or watch the movie "Yes Man" hahaha
be careful with those if you purchased it in the last 2 years. They have a habit of not turning off or just filling your room with gas.
not my grow my friend's grow, plus i don't use co2 right now just fresh air in my room. I have fresh air coming from outside into my room constantly.
i agree with pickle, i have a 1k and got a # no co2, in soil noW i have 2x600's toO still hope i maybe get 4 lb =) but if u want 4# off a 1k then your gonna have to have a vert room at least and a (PERFECT) environment then maybe u wont need co2, but i think youll need that too =)
you mean not turn off when the controller says shut down?

yep. Big problem with that. I had to take back two of them because of that and the manager of the hydro store said it's a very common issue. After I took the second one back they upgraded me for free to the bad ass sentinel one.
yep. Big problem with that. I had to take back two of them because of that and the manager of the hydro store said it's a very common issue. After I took the second one back they upgraded me for free to the bad ass sentinel one.

Makes me think using my hot water heater as a CO2 generator aint such a bad idea after all... . Bwahahahah
I've pulled 2.2 per light with a SOG setup consistently.. Don't do SOG anymore but I still get around 2 per. 4? Like many others have said, impossible.