4 Plants in 40x40x80 tent hydroponic


m starting my 4th grow with all new equipment. Setup
40"x40"x80" tent
Large 6" Carbon Filter 400 CFM
600 Watt Cooltube with XL Hood
450 CFM 6" exhaust fan
160 CFM 4" Intake fan (hooked into my house ac duct ) set at 73°-75° year round )
(2) 28 gallon hydroponic resivours each with 3 5"Air Stone disc and 150Gph submersible pump 4" net pots
950 GPH air pump
Mini humidifier
Flora Trio with Cal-mag
My last grow was half this size and ended up with 8oz dry bud this time going for 1 pound . Going to try and update this journal every other day. Started the germination process Saturday night 20180915_223257.jpg 20180915_223257.jpg 20180915_223257.jpg 20180915_223255.jpg 20180915_223345.jpg .

2 Blueberry OG (Barney's seeds)
1 Blue Cheese (Barney's seeds)
1 White Siberian (Dinafim Seeds
Update : All seeds have popped and both of the Blueberry OG's have came through the surface and made there appearance. The tap root is just now starting to poke through the bottom of the cube. The blue cheese and white Siberian are a little behind should be later tonight that they appear.
This is my first time using rockwool from seed. My hydroponic system is top feed and has a drip spike in the net pots .
Question : When should I turn on the top feed pump? Right now i feel like if i turn it on it will drown the seedling
Update : 3 seedlings are going good they're a little stretched because of the 600watt MH set to 50% the White Siberian is struggling the Rockwell cube wasn't deep enough in the net pot so the rockwool dried out. She went limp . Watered her now the stem is straight up but the top leads are bent down looks like the stem got pinched near the top . Hope she recovers . I started germinating a red diesel seed just in case she dies ... will add pics when I get home.
Looking good so far the Red Diesel that replaced the White Siberian popped out of the rockwool today
Got a new Bluelab Ph / Temp meter today my last cheap ph meter took a shit was reading 17ph
Water temp 80
Ph 5.8
Think I'm going to order a 1/10hp water chiller on payday. Anyone know where to get a quality unit without breaking the bank


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Went out last night and picked up a 1/10hp hydrofarm water chiller and some 1" bulkheads . Now I need to connect both of the resivours together and run tubing for the chiller . Anyone have any ideas the best way to hook the 2 res together so water will flow ie. Should I have the chiller sucking out of one res and returning to the other res and just have 1 1" hose connecting the 2 res or ...
Finally got everything setup. I decided to run 2 1" hoses connecting the 2 resivours and having the chiller intake from one res and return in the burn other. Removed all the rockwool cubes from the net pots they were starting to turn brown and black from staying wet. Now I just need to cover the tops of my res to prevent light penetrating and clean up the mess in the tent from drilling holes into the res .
Plant update . The 2 blueberry og from barneys seeds are going good. The red diesel is growing slowly due to ph problems in that resivour before I connected them . The blue cheese has signs of ph issues showing on the lower leaves but new leaves are back to green and is showing signs of growing again after being stunned for a few days ... cleaned the res and filled them with nutrient solution at 450ppm and ph at 5.6 (will add pictures after cleaning up the mess and Covering the res )
The two blueberry are recovering from my ph problem . The diesel and cheese are stunned still hoping they pull through . This week I've had a horrible problem with ph . I tried draining and filling the system when that didn't work I broke down and disassembled the whole hydro system and sterilized everything pumps ,hoses ,totes ,air stones , hydrotron, pots . Finally looks like that took care of the problem. The ph is staying in range that I need. Decided to completely do away with air stones. Going to make a multiple spray waterfall system in each res


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Had to restart this grow unfortunately I forgot to clean the filters on my pumps before starting and it was causing root rot and since the seedlings were so small I pulled the plug and started germinating 6 seeds 2 red diesel. 2 blue cheese 1 blueberry and 1 peyote critical . They popped through the surface yesterday and now there under 2 little 60 watt led bulbs only pull 30 watts from wall . Going to let them get a little bigger before transplanting them into the new resivours
This will be my last grow for a while . I just found out my girlfriend is pregnant and i dont think illegally growing with a baby around is a good idea. So 8 months and I'm done for a while . Figured I can get 1 last harvest before i sell off my equipment.