4 plants from seed experiment


Active Member
Ah that's shit that man. Do we get "bagseed" over here? I've only ever heard of bagseed from the Americans, and i've never had a bag with seed in it, if i did i'd be pissed. Sorry for the loss anyway man, at least like you said, you didn't pay for a fella.


Well-Known Member
i find the odd seed in some herb here n there. i wont be using any after this grow finishes.

like i said its one of the pitfalls about using bagseed.



Well-Known Member
Hey Jayme

Here are the pics i have just taken to show you intakes and exhaust.

If i were running a Carbon filter i would have that where my fan is and have my fan either at the very top of my ducting or even in the attic outside the grow room connected to ducting.

The closet door has one passive intake (unpowered) and one powered intake using a 120mm PC fan.

LIke i have said though this is still not ideal. AS there is alot of open debate whether you should use your fan to blow or whether you should use it to suck.

When my closet gets revamped i will be adding a 150mm cooltube and RVK150L1 to run it sucking through into the attic and also i will have the RVK125A1 pictured here as a secondary exhaust.
Both of these will then have carbon filters attached to remove odours.




Well-Known Member
Just thought i would also mention to everyone that i have just ordered a PPP fem'd nirvana seed from the Attitude and got a ROCKLOCK fem'd seed free.

Just incase i get any more hermies i am prepared with a backup then. I may even try and grow the rocklock on a 12 12 to see what happens.



Well-Known Member
your grow really looks nice good job im gonna be posted and keep an eye on your updates because it looks like im only a couple of weeks behind you in flowering and its cool to see the colas get bigger and how my colas may end up lookin thanks jondamon your threads my hangout
Welcome aboard ndzbnln glad to have you along.



Well-Known Member
yes that is tall bro.

I switched mine to 1212 when they were around 18inches tall now the tallest one is around 34 inches.



Active Member
I don't know what the crack is on thread hijacking on this site or where Jon stands on the subject, but i do think writing a big paragraph asking advice and posting 38 pictures is just a bit rude. You should really post a link to one of the gazillion threads you've started lol

Silent Running

Active Member
It is considered rude to hijack someone's thread...especially with tons of pictures. It would have been polite to either ask or to post a thread of your own. But...it's J's call since it's his thread. I don't know how well you'll take advice since even pointing out etiquette to you is met with rudeness.


Looking great J. Love the venting pictures. Gives a one good ideas. ;)

Silent Running

Active Member
You edited your post to say that after you were called on it. How about making one thread asking questions rather than 2 at the same time in different areas asking the same thing? And I am a girl, so...yeah. Grow up, learn the etiquette and stop being a douche.

Sorry J. Tried to PM ya about your setup but I think your box is full.

you guys obviousy cant read i said no disrespect and i did ask him a ? you guys mr miyagi or somthing disrespectful to u not me im not trying to hijack i dont see why anyone looks at things like that i can careless about the spotlight sorry again i didnt think any1 would think that didnt know i was posting with people so sensitive im sort of a noob to this anyway so didnt know i was such a rudy judy who cares whats it to yall u gonna ban me?sounds like a bunch of jons mascots or bitches whineing stop akting like sissy girlymen wait untill you hear a word from your pimp and dont speak


Active Member
you guys obviousy cant read i said no disrespect and i did ask him a ? you guys mr miyagi or somthing disrespectful to u not me im not trying to hijack i dont see why anyone looks at things like that i can careless about the spotlight sorry again i didnt think any1 would think that didnt know i was posting with people so sensitive im sort of a noob to this anyway so didnt know i was such a rudy judy who cares whats it to yall u gonna ban me?sounds like a bunch of jons mascots or bitches whineing stop akting like sissy girlymen wait untill you hear a word from your pimp and dont speak
You strike me as one of those people that talks over other people.

I was just pointing out the fact this isn't your thread, you're a guest. Think of it as a house; you wouldn't walk into someone else's house andd start redecorating the place without permission.

Where did his posts go? lol


Well-Known Member
WOW wow wow whats been happening in my thread????

I havent been on for almost 24hours and i have a few PM's about action that i cannot see in my thread.

I get the jist of whats been happening and i dont like people hijacking threads full stop.


Thanks for having my back BonZI Co1e Silent Running and Justin

Now to the original poster that hijacked my thread.

"if you had started your own thread and posted me a question with a link to your thread then that would have been ok. And you probably wouldnt have been hammered by all my fellow growers.

To actually hijack someone else's thread and from all accounts post 38pictures to it is just plain rude and uncurtious."

Thanks once again everyone and as a little treat for you all here is a snap shot of my order from THE ATTITUDE. Incase anyone from the UK is reading this or is interested i ordered on sunday evening and got my delivery on tuesday morning. THE ATTITUDE ROCKS.

UFO DNA ROCKLOCK FEM'd - Freebie seed
ANd my guaranteed delivery mug.

HEHEHEHEHEHEHE i love the "tude"!


also on a side note i do believe that FDD is responsible for removing said post. Thank you very much good sir. "love your work by the way"


Silent Running

Active Member
"Take me to your dealer"....lol. Love it! Definitely interested in following you on the PPP if you journal that. Got one in my checkout cart on Att. now...but I keep finding more and more to add to the cart. I wish they had a "send me one of everything" button.


Well-Known Member
HI Silent.

I know what you mean about THE "TUDE"

When you think you know what you want you find something else that catches your eye.

I will be Journal'ing the PPP but i plan on growing this as a mother for a while and taking cuttings from her to put into my closet which will be my flowering room.

Ok guys so i have decided that i am going to try and grow the DNA ROCKLOCK fem'd seed on a 12 12 from seed, due to there being alot of evidence leading me to believe that the pheno on this strain is not locked down yet and plants can vary from seed to seed so i figured lets give it a go.

I have just picked up a rockwool seed starter block and a 3x3 rockwool cube ready for this side experiment to begin tomorrow (i love my hydro shop as i didnt have to pay anything for them)

I will be pre soaking the cubes this evening in some ph5.5 water.

ONce the seed pops up to say hello i will be loading up some more water with a weak solution of formulex maybe with an EC of around 0.3 until i feel it is growing enough to up the feed.

I plan on using the Formulex for the entire grow as on the bottle it says it can be used through out the whole period.

Its NPK ratios are as follows

2.4 - 0.9 - 3.4

So lets hope this works out.

I will be using a 6400k 24w T5 initially on the same light cycle as my HPS to get the seed started once it has developed its first few sets of leaves i will then see how she fairs under the big lamp. This will all be done in the same closet on my propagation shelf.

Pic below of the starter cube and the 3x3 cube




Well-Known Member
Hey folks

Well its day 35 of 12 12 here and i thought i would update with a pre lights picture of the plants for you all.

Picture 1 is the POG
Picture 2 is the SATIVA
And picture 3 is of them both POG to the right Sativa to the Left.




Well-Known Member
Hey Folks

Some more pics for you all of the grow so far. enjoy

Well ive decided i cant wait to do my new little experiment so around 5hours ago i began soaking my DNA ROCKLOCK fem'd seed in some ph 6 water in a dark warm spot.

I also started soaking my Rockwool starter cube and 3x3 cube in some ph 5.8 water.

After the 5hours of soaking i took the rockwool and the seed out of their water. I made a fine slit across the top of the rockwool starter block and spooned in some Mychorhizal fungi and then placed my seed in the centre and moved the rockwool over the top my pressing down firmly, then i added the starter block into the 3x3 rockwool cube. I took some of the ph5.8 water that the rockwool had been soaking in and added around 0.1g of trichoderma into it and watered the new little seed into its home and placed it in a homemade dome and then under my 6400k 24W T5 light which is inside my closet as you can see from the pics. It will be under the light for the next 6.5hours then the light will go off for 12hours and so this experiment begins.

I will update as soon as the new arrival shows her little head.

enjoy these pics everyone.


