4 plants from seed experiment


Well-Known Member
HI All

This is my new grow which i am going to document every step of the way.

I will welcome all comments and suggestions but please do bare in mind that i am using this as a learning curve to see what i can do.

Ok here is what i have.

Closet 8ft H x 3.5 ft W x 7 ft D

I have a fan system set into the door with fans blowing out at the top and in at the bottom. Completed an 18/6 cycle to check temps etc Max 28.5C/83.3F Min 22.2C/71.96F, i also have oscilatiing fans in the room one between plants and lamp and also one up high on the top shelf above my prop shelf.

I have a propegation shelf setup in the room as you can see by the pics with a sunblaster 6400k 24w T5.
I am using a 600w HPS with standard magnetic ballast and reflector.
I will be using 11L ATAMI pots for the entire grow once i transplant out of my party cup style pots.

As you can see from the pics i am using the IONIC NUTRIENTS for coco as i am growing in COCO again.

The pics of my nutrients are self explanatory as you can make out what they are.

Incase anyone cant see or cant be bothered to make out what they are here is the list.

Starting with top line left side
6.Bio BIZZ ALG-A-MIC vitality booster
7.Bio BIZZ leaf coat

Bottom left
1.HOT SHOTS NO PEST STRIP (thanks Danthebull)
4.MINI FORTEFOG x2 (smoke bomb)
5.ROOT GROW (mychorizol fungi)
6.CANNA Akrtivator (trichoderma fungi)
7.Ph Dropper Test kit.

I also have some GNAT off in a bottle from a friend and also some SPINOSAD (thanks again Danthebull)

Here is my plan.

I am germinating 4 seeds and i plan on vegging them for only 2-3 weeks. I understand this is not the normal thing to do, remember this is my experiment. Once i have vegged for 2 weeks i will be topping the plants to create 4 main colas. I will then allow them to veg for another week under 18/6 to get over the stress. Then at the end of the 3rd week i shall be switching to 12 12.

With this experiment i am trying create a very small plant with hopefully massive colas. I understand that this may not work but i am willing to try and hopefully learn some more about this intoxicating plant.

I am doing this to use up my seed collection which are not gauranteed to be female so all this may be in vain. But as i said i am willing to try and hopefully we can all learn something.

Anyway ive rambled on for long enough and thanks for reading my new thread.

Enjoy the pics.




~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Looks like you got it in the works, lets see her grow now. Imma watch from over here.

.....................PUUUUUUFFF........PUUFFFF.......Here ya go hit this......

:joint: "All Organic Shortrider"


Well-Known Member
thnks guys.

im really excited about this experiment .

i can't wait to see what happens!!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
set up looks pretty nice for a first set up. yeah just get this grow down, good luck


Well-Known Member
OK so after a few hours i checked my seeds and they have all sank to the bottom of the glass.

I left them in a little longer while i prepared my COCO COIR.

I figured this time i would prep the COIR before planting my seeds.

I started to pour just normal tap water initially through my coco to get it saturated. Flooding and then draining. Then i poured boiling hot water with a little bleach in it just to make sure.

I then proceeded to flush out the bleach solution with normal tap water again allowing it to drain.

I then ran a few litres of ph6 plain water left out for 2days through the pots.

I cut my clear bottles up to make little humidity domes and i placed the seed about 1/16 of inch into the coco. and watered it in.

Here are the pics for your viewing pleasure.




Well-Known Member
update on my experiment.

i have checked the seeds today and all have a trailing tap root heading down into the coco . i gave them a little weak solution of formulex 1ml/1L

once they break the surface i will add a new pic.



Well-Known Member
HI everyone

OK so lots of change here since the last pic update.

Today as you can just about see from the pics all 4 are breaking the surface. The Pot of Gold seedling took a little longer than the others to appear but there it is. 4 out of 4 100% success on germing with the shot glass method.

Ok so what i have done since the last update. I mixed up a week solution of formulex 1ml/1L and gave each of the seeds 5ml on friday evening. I have checked them today and given them another 5ml but this time i mixed 0.1g/200ml of trichoderma into the nutes so they have had their first innoculation today i have also pierced some tiny holes in the propegation lids.
I will be innoculating next when i transplant into the 11L pots where they will get another shot of Trichoderma and also some Mychorizol fungi.

I also purchased a reflector for my t5 24w today. Have taken a pic of it to show.
This is sold to be able to double your output 100% increase in light output.

Enjoy the pics everyone




Well-Known Member
Nice 1 lad. Congrats on the new arrival's.....lol So the experiment begins........

Going to be good to see them grow jon.



Well-Known Member
Hey everyone

Well its day 5 since i planted my 4 seeds.

Here is a new update with pics.

The newest arrivals seem to be liking their environment.One thing i will be looking at for any more propagation in the future is a heat pad to sit under the party cups or maybe even a heated propagator.

Anyway the babies are looking good. They seem to have responded well to the trichoderma and the 5ml/1L of Formulex i gave them. I will not be watering again now until the surface gets dry.

They have been out of their propagation lids since saturday morning. I initially gave them a few hours outside the lids then the next day took the lids off. Temps at the moment are 21C/69.8F dropping to 19.8C/67.6F during the dark cycle with RH solid at around 55%.

I have now also created a little Co2 system using a couple of bottles yeast water,sugar air line tubing and some silicone sealer. If anyone wants the info on how to make one of these just drop me a message either on this thread or privately.

Hope you all enjoy the pics.




Well-Known Member
Fucking love it J lad.. Like the ( HOT SHOTS ) in there!!!!!8-)

Great idea with the heated pad. think i'll do that when i grow from seed....



~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
I wouldn't think Co2 would be needed at that point.

Lotta free time on your hands huh. lol.


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Cant say your wrong, just over kill IMO. But if you got room and time more power to ya bro.


Well-Known Member
Fucking love it J lad.. Like the ( HOT SHOTS ) in there!!!!!8-)

Great idea with the heated pad. think i'll do that when i grow from seed....

you should love it! its the one you gave me.

still waiting on my delivery of hot shots

i'm so blazzed off the BBC girls . it has had 9 days curing and is delicious !!!

just priced up everything to run a mother.
1 x 0.8x0.8x1.6m DR80 tent
1 x 15L auto pot system
1 x 4tube 2ft lightwave flouro system
1 x EC truncheon
1 x 500ml clonex
1 x heated controllable propagater
1 x 72pack rockwool cutting cubes
1 x superthrive

not too bad then i will have a veg and flowering room separately .



Well-Known Member
hi all

picture update tomorrow.

all seedlings have now shaken their seed shell off and all are standing tall at around 2inches.

hopefully i will be getting them under the hps at the end of this week.

i have also bought a 125w 6500k cfl for some supplementary blue light hanging in the middle of the 4pots when they move under the hps. picking up the cfl this week.

all the babies are looking good and healthy.



Well-Known Member
hi all

picture update tomorrow.

all seedlings have now shaken their seed shell off and all are standing tall at around 2inches.

hopefully i will be getting them under the hps at the end of this week.

i have also bought a 125w 6500k cfl for some supplementary blue light hanging in the middle of the 4pots when they move under the hps. picking up the cfl this week.

all the babies are looking good and healthy.

Awesome J lad, looking forwads to seeing them tomoz....
