4 lbs per 1000w light.

2week veg, show us your pictures dude... Are your Haveing trouble trying to find some on the internet to download and call your own?

He's just a full-of-shit fool running off at the mouth. Been reading too much and thinking too little. That combined with zero experience makes him a cocksure gomer.
He's just a full-of-shit fool running off at the mouth. Been reading too much and thinking too little. That combined with zero experience makes him a cocksure gomer.

Lol, that's right...what an odd guy to come here and talk shit! The growers on this site are the real deal and can grow the shit out of some good plants! He's probably just pissed that he grows bag seed under the porch light in a coffee cup filled with cow shit
They don't get it OGH . . . . . . I agree with you and it is possible. . . . . 4lbs is achievable and you don't even need to get 1gpw but .9 minimum (per room), essentially your just running 1x 1000w light for 24 hours which would be comparable to running 2x 1000w's. . . . Its not that hard to believe . . . I pull .75 gpw without any co2 and with a non efficient lighting set up and a hot room (low 80s high 70s with lights on) if my flaws were corrected and I was using co2 im pretty sure id be pretty close to .9 gpw
Lol, that's right...what an odd guy to come here and talk shit! The growers on this site are the real deal and can grow the shit out of some good plants! He's probably just pissed that he grows bag seed under the porch light in a coffee cup filled with cow shit
I had to laugh at that lol