4 in pots, one sprouted


so I got 4 seedlings in pots only one is green and above ground,I put them in soil on Saturday, now its Monday, These are outside due to me not having my grow area setup, how long till I should germinate some new ones on the pots not breaking ground, and will there be any problem starting them outside them moving them into a grow area?


Well-Known Member
it could take a week or more depending on your soil temp. i had 4 seeds inside on a heat mat and 4 outside and 4 inside...heat mat ones took 1-3 days, outside took a week and inside was 4-5 days till they poked through......keep your soil warm and it will usually be enough.


Well-Known Member
man, i suggest keeping them in the pot for a few weeks, maybe transplant the big one, but I had 3 seeds in 1 pot, first, all 3 were alive, then 2, then 1, then there was nothing and I kept the pot outside out of laziness, a friend comes over and looks at it since I didn't tell them they died, and he goes "Wow she's looking strong", one of them sprouted and was over 4 inches with 2 nodes. back from the dead.

edit: You can always germinate new ones, just get rid of the smallest ones when you see how many you get. or keep all until they show sex (Which is within the month), then get rid of males


cool, thanks for the advice, only one is showing at this point so if the other 3 don't break ground in a few more days I'm gonna germ some more and throw them in , I left these in the paper towels too long and one was trying to grow through the paper towel, and in almost all of them the whole seed portion was used up as food for the seedling, so I wonder if it was too late for those and need to germ some more.