4 Feminized Nirvana Ice


Well-Known Member
Good advice. I have been thinking about some light LSTing.

Completed the 24 hour dark period and they have gone into 12/12.

My humidity has increased into the mid 60s, as I turned down the fan speed. I think I am going to out it back to full speed. That is a little too high for my liking.

Question for anyone out there: typically my temps have been in the mid to upper 60s, with very little change. Even in 24 hour dark it only got down to 63 or 64. Temps may rise as the summer progresses, but I don't anticipate ever getting over mid 70s at the most. Any issues with this?


Well-Known Member
Forgot to mention that I also am seeing the first alternating nodes on some.

From what I have read, that is a good time to make the switch. I hadn't noticed them before the dark period. Guess that worked out nicely.


Well-Known Member
New update. Today they have completed 5 weeks from seed. Tonight is day 2 of 12/12, after a 24 hour dark period.

They are really starting to fill out the tent. Sorry for the poor pictures, didn't have the normal lighting this time.

As you can see, they are turning into monsters.



And I believe that after just the dark period and one night I have my first preflower. Please take a look. If it isn't, or if it's something to worry about, please let me know. First grow.


I'll probably start with the nutrient regimen starting on the next feeding; a small dose of Big Bloom. I'll use Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom concurrently...but when should I start the Tiger Bloom?

This has been a lot of fun - a really great hobby and personally satisfying, calming, and rewarding so far. And it's just begun.

So, as I enter the sixth week from seed, any thoughts, feedback, or pointers from those out there?


Well-Known Member
Just a couple thoughts on the smart pots.

They seem to be working great. I've had some growth through the sides, but all four plants are reaching through the bottom...with all but one having a lot of roots poking out.

Root structure seems to be good.


Well-Known Member
I need some help! Take a look at this leaf. There are one or two more leaves like it, all on the same plant and all towards the bottom of the plant. I don't think it's due to age...these are 36 days from seed. From some quick searches, I found a few different possibilities so I'm not sure. I thought I'd let the experts take a look.


And I thought I'd add another of the four, this time with a gallon jug for some scale.


So, thanks for stopping by. Any thoughts or feedback?


Well-Known Member
I picked up Big Bloom today - next watering is for tomorrow night. Also, some of the fan leaves have been pointing up. I've read that's a good sign. It's not as visible in the above pic, as I usually push them down and under other growing branches growing up from below. What's better? Just let them sit up there, or bend them down and under? Thanks for the feedback - plus rep.


Well-Known Member
Tonight I gave the first dose of Big Bloom. I did one half of a tablespoon per plant. Watered about six tenths of a gallon on the last two, as on the first two I had way too much coming out the bottom. The amended amount was perfect.

Also had my first casualty. Lost two blades of a fan leaf moving plants.

I also learned that, in general, it is important to have an organized space outside the tent to do property maintenance. Need to have good lighting for that.

Enjoying the grow.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. I think they look fantastic, if I may say so. Proud if my effort so far, just need to finish strong.

I really am convinced that the start they got set the stage for how they are today. And the 600 is clearly doing wonders.

They haven't really started to stretch yet, but I am keeping the MH for the first week it so to help reduce it.

Thanks for checking in, have some Rep!


Well-Known Member
I'm here tonight to provide an update of my first grow, and to try to dip into the collective knowledge of the more grizzled veterans for some advice on my plants. Forgive the funky formatting of this post - for some reason on IE the "Enter" button isn't working. So, you'll have text, pic, text - wall-o-text - just bad formatting. So please forgive me. First I'll start off with two pictures: first, of the canopy in the tent, and then one of the tops of one of the plants. From these pics, all looks good and on schedule. Monday will complete 5 weeks of 12/12.

From here I'll get into some of the pictures that give me questions. Now, looking at the first two pictures you can see that the leaves at the top of the canopy are not yellowing, drooping, or generally look like they are on their way out. So, next is a picture of the lower portion of one of the four plants. Generally, every day I am removing about a handful of yellowing, weak, droopy, "soggy" leaves. Some have detached, others detach at the slightest pull or tough. Those that don't fall or remove at the slightest touch, I leave on there.

In the first picture, you can also see how some of the lower leaves are "clawing" as they yellow up and die off. It also gives you an idea of how much vegetation I have lost so far. The next series of pictures are of some deficiencies or nute burn. As it is my first grow, I don't know. I do tend to think I have a CalMag deficiency, in general. But...not sure about these pictures. A week or so ago I was having a nitrogen deficiency, and so I did a couple of feedings with the Fox Farm Grow Big, in addition to the Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom. This greened up the plants nicely, especially at the tops. Maybe I need to up the Grow Big for the bottoms that continue to lighten up and fall off, but I don't know. I also know that some of this just happens as you get farther into flower. Being my first grow...I have no idea, so that's why I am turning to the experts. The next pictures are some pictures of the deficiencies or nutrient burn - don't know which one. Please help!

This last picture is towards the bottom of the plant, and is generally how they will look before the lighten up a bit more and fall off. The final picture is just a cola picture, for fun and pr0nz, but also to give another perspective of the plants.

So, this is my update. Looking for any tips, advice, feedback, etc., to try and fix what's happening.

I will say that I do have a PH problem. My local water system has hard water, at about 250ppm, and with a PH of right at 9. I'm growing in FFOF, 25% perlite. I read that the FF nutes lower the PH a bit - but from what I've read not into the 6 range from where I'm at. I recently discovered the PH problem, and will be doing better going forward, adjusting PH after mixing up the nutes. I'm hoping that the soil has buffered enough so far to prevent lockout - but who knows. So, at the end of the day, this is the story of my plants as they are now. I really need all the help I can get. I'm going to try to format better on my phone...so if you're reading and the formatting isn't all jacked up...I fixed it

In the meantime...hope all are having a great Friday night! This thread is inspiring to me and seeing all of the great grows by experienced people really motivates me.
Attached Thumbnails