4 days to dry ok??


Active Member
Well im forced to harvest my 3 1/2 week old budded plants early because im moving. Theres a small crown at the top of each plant and little buds everywhere. I know i'm not gonna get much but it's better than nothing and this is my first grow so i already considered myself successful. most of the hairs are still white/clear but some have turned orange and trichomes are everywhere. so what method do you guys recomend if i cut the snip the buds off on monday and i have til thursday??? i was thinking about hanging them up but is 4 days enough? any advice is appreciated. thanks

prime mover

Active Member
I would snip all of the buds from the stalks, don't leave any steams/stalks at all. This will allow things to dry a lot faster then if you cut big branches down and hang them with all of the buds in tact.

Hope this helps somewhat.