4 days old and already flowering?


New Member
Hi, new to forums anyway, just a quick question. I have a seedling that is literally 4 days old from sprout, oddly i noticed it wasnt growing like the others it was extremely slow, then i checked today to notice it definitely has pistils already and it smells delicious, just weird for me.

ive always vegged my plants in 18/6 then 12/12 for flowering but ive never had this happen before, my lights have been on just fine, nothing has changed, im just baffled as to why this seedling is choosing to flower already. i pray its not my only female because then ill be pissed cause it isnt growing properly obviously. not like i will get some magic yield off a plant thats not even barely over a inch tall.

anyone know why this would happen? like i said i have another plant that is growing just fine, its just this one seedling, only thing i can think of is possible when it was popping out or still had the seed shell on its end, somehow it tricked it into flowering cycle? meh idk any suggestions?

also should i just let it go in hopes that it turns out ok? maybe it will switch back to veg, im hoping.


Well-Known Member
I dont think your plant can show sex tell its mature enough. You sure its a flower an not just leafs growing?
It should vegg the same even if its showing sex.


New Member
thats not completely true that a plant has to be mature enough.

i know what a female and pistils look like, ive grown several times before :/. you can even google to see im not the only person whos dealt with this,
others have provided pictures also.

ive read a lot about this these past couple hours. its just freaking weird, yes im for dead sure that its flowering.
if i feel the need ill break out a picture and dig out my camera, so you can see for yourself.

its a little freak of nature i tell you, at first yes i thought the same thing earlier on like 2 days ago, i had seen the 2 clear pistil and just thought to myself, well that one is taking longer to
veg out, its probably just the little jelly like leaves coming out, but today i knew for sure that it wasnt, they are exactly what pistils look like and there is some deformed shape of a leaf that is now showing,
the 2 pistils protruding outward are below it which gave me the for sure sign of it being pistils, yes its very rare and amazing if you ask me. they have gotten fairly bigger over the hours since i last checked.
there is no doubt by any means now that anyone would question otherwise, the pistils are fairly long for its tiny size, they definitely arent leaves.

just wondering why this would happen or what would cause it is all. i knew something was up with that seedling ever since because it was growing so slowly, now i know why.


New Member
out of all the times ive grown ive never had this problem with growth or them even showing sex this early on, its odd. maybe weed is evolving LOL. no but really its odd and unheard of in most cases, i can only find a few others on the net who also had this problem from seedling, but no one really know an answer to as why? or how?

i promise you guys my lights and everything is perfectly fine, im a perfectionist and take better care of my plants than i do myself, they arent stressed, they havent missed any light to trigger this, the water is clean, purified and fine, they arent being over watered just enough co2, everything you can think of is perfect no extreme heat, they have plenty of ventilation.

a mystery indeed. im going to try and take a picture now with my phone, see how well it gets it.


New Member
but i can see the pistils still even with these crappy pictures, my phone was not handling the HPS at all, ill try to take better pictures later with my actual camera i know it can focus in better, then you will be like omg he wasnt joking.. all i can do for now. but you can see them, i brought it out into my tv's bright ass white screen, its HDTV and LED so i figured it would shine through them better as it did, you can clearly see them and the slightly retarded leaf. being as its early as shit, ill be hitting the sack, my light will be off at 1pm so ill probably post better pictures tonight if this still has you questioning. and yes i use HPS for all stages, i can get it very close and ive never had a big problem with stretching or my plants falling over from stretching so ive stuck with it pleast dont give me shit for it, and yes i have a tent just for my babies, i wouldnt have them growing in front of my tv screen.

By profgerbik at 2010-12-29

By profgerbik at 2010-12-29

By profgerbik at 2010-12-29


New Member
sigh i realize the camera i have is literally the same fucking camera my phone has sadly but ill still try to get a better picture, please if you know how or why this baby is flowering already.
i want to know! its a damn unsolved mystery


Active Member
I've seen this before actually! Not at 4 days, but i had a good friend flower a plant at 8 days old!! I think you'll be fine, just keep it vegging. Is this a new strain for you? I mean at 18/6 i think you must be fairly close to a photoperiod timer built into the plant. i can't tell from your pics if those are flower sets, but you say you know they are, and that's good enough for me. My buddy went 12/12 with his, but it had 2 sets of leaves when it stared budding!! He got a little sensi bud off it too. Anyway i ask about the starin thinking maybe some strains are a lot closer to inducing flowering at 6 hours of darkness than another one, depending on their natural habitat? Again this is just speculation. I use 20/4 myself.


New Member
yea im guessing it possibly is the strain, honestly i dont know what it is exactly, i just gather my seeds over the years from what ive bought. yea fuck it sadly my damn phone takes better pictures, i cannot get this piece of shit camera to focus for anything agh!

its not flowering hardcore or anything its only 5 days old now, but it does have this weird bubbly looking leaf growing which im guessing its trying to but the pistils are still there. still no leaf sets yet.


Active Member
Never seen that, some crazy shit you should keep us posted in what happens its has sparked my interest so now I must spark a bowl good luck with the grow :blsmoke:


New Member
well interestingly enough the pistils are still there but it has now grown leaves, i guess it started vegging finally but the pistils are at the end of the leaves and it looks really weird, ill upload some pictures later.

its still growing extremely slow compared to the other 2, so im still wondering if its even vegging or what its really doing. maybe its just a mongoloid plant :*( lol


New Member
well if you actually read the post, you wouldve realized i mentioned several times that im not lucky enough to have one of these fancy auto focus phones or camera. trust me i tried.

and im pretty sure if i can spot them even with that blurry picture than i have to say to you how about you getting a better monitor with a higher resolution, then maybe you can see it. jeez
I have a 1month old male,lol, never had this happen so early before. He is the only 1 so far out of 6 seedlings which all seem to be growing at a small pace as far as size goes anyway.Any suggestions?
