4 crosses and a selfed from seed (all fem)

Peyote alexia

Well-Known Member
Hey guys I made a few crosses of my favourite strains. I used a peyote critical phenotype I've been loving and crossed it with a few I had lying around.(using sts method) Only got 5-10 seeds from each. But enough to test some.
Peyote critical X red dragon however at 4 days since planting is one of those standouts that sprouts early and gets a tap root through the cup. I have high hopes on that one.
We got smashed with a storm and they had nothing but rain for a cpl days. I probably should have moved them inside but I'm concerned they got to wet and won't sprout now. Time will tell. Any that don't I'll replace and try again. I don't know how I'll grow them yet except it will be indoors so keep tuned :)
Ps. I planted three in the peyote selfed cup as I didn't have much hope from some mould that got into the seed. But 2/3 sprouted so..
Pps. I mixed a tiny bit of good bacteria like great white into the unfertilised soil mix and water slightly with seaweed extract when planted.
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Active Member
Looking really good, Peyote - can you quickly explain the process you did for crossing?

I have some male Ed Rosenthal seeds (well both but will find out which are which when I grow them) and some Northern Lights x Haze fems that I was hoping to cross.

If I'm doing it from mother (no clonex) then step by step what's the process? I've grown for years but no experiencecrossing and everyone says different things.
